ABL: Unable to AblCodeHeap-> malloc code segment ABL: Unable to AblCodeHeap-> malloc preprocess code buffer ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc EternalVariablesSizes ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc Module Registry ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc StaticVariablesSizes ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc actual array param in module %s) ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc case item ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc eternal array ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc librariesUsed ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc local array ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc local string ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc module filename ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc module sizeStaticVars ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc sourceFiles ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc stack ABL: Unable to AblSymTableHeap-> malloc string literal ABL: Unable to AblSymTableHeap-> malloc symbol ABL: Unable to AblSymTableHeap-> malloc symbol name ABL: Unable to AblSymbolHeap-> malloc array string constant ABL: Unable to StringCchCopy ABL: Unable to StringCchCopy array string constant ABL: Unable to StringCchCopy module filename ABL: Unable to StringCchCopy sourceFiles ABL: Unable to StringCchCopy string literal ABL: Unable to malloc AblStackHeap-> Library Instance Registry ABL: Unable to malloc AblStackHeap-> Module Instance Registry ABL: Unable to malloc UserFiles ABL: ablStrDup: Unable to AblSymTableHeap-> malloc new string ABL: ablStrDup: Unable to StringCchCopy new string Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc BreakPointManager Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc WatchManager unable to create ABL ProfileLog unable to malloc ABL ProfileLog ABL RUNTIME ERROR %s [line %d] - (type %d) %s ABL: FSM has no Start state [%s] ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc orderCallFlags [Module %d] ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc p64UninitBM [Module %d] ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc pvalStaticData [Module %d] ABL: Unable to AblStackHeap-> malloc pvalStaticData address [Module %d] ABL: findOrCreateObjectTypeRecord: Error - object name '%s' is invalid. CVoidPair::GrowTable: Unable to allocate memory. ExecObjectGetSet: Unable to retrieve member variable get/set function SYNTAX ERROR %s [line %d] - (type %d) %s %s