?ACEReceiveCallback@@YGKEPAE@Z ?ACEReceiveSQLCallback@@YGKEPAE@Z ?axUnused@@YGXXZ AdsActivateAOF AdsAddCustomKey AdsAddToAOF AdsAppendRecord AdsApplicationExit AdsAtBOF AdsAtEOF AdsBeginTransaction AdsBinaryToFile AdsBuildKeyFromRecord AdsBuildRawKey AdsCacheOpenCursors AdsCacheOpenTables AdsCacheRecords AdsCancelUpdate AdsCheckExistence AdsClearAOF AdsClearAllScopes AdsClearCallbackFunction AdsClearCursorAOF AdsClearDefault AdsClearFilter AdsClearLastError AdsClearProgressCallback AdsClearRecordBuffer AdsClearRelation AdsClearSQLAbortFunc AdsClearSQLParams AdsClearScope AdsCloneTable AdsCloseAllIndexes AdsCloseAllTables AdsCloseCachedTables AdsCloseIndex AdsCloseSQLStatement AdsCloseTable AdsCommitTransaction AdsCompareBookmarks AdsConnect AdsConnect26 AdsConnect60 AdsContinue AdsConvertDateToJulian AdsConvertJulianToString AdsConvertKeyToDouble AdsConvertMillisecondsToString AdsConvertStringToJulian AdsConvertStringToMilliseconds AdsConvertTable AdsCopyTable AdsCopyTableContents AdsCopyTableStructure AdsCopyTableTop AdsCreateFTSIndex AdsCreateIndex AdsCreateIndex61 AdsCreateMemTable AdsCreateSQLStatement AdsCreateTable AdsCustomizeAOF AdsDBFDateToString AdsDDAddIndexFile AdsDDAddProcedure AdsDDAddTable AdsDDAddUserToGroup AdsDDAddView AdsDDAutoCreateIndex AdsDDAutoCreateTable AdsDDClose AdsDDCreate AdsDDCreateASA AdsDDCreateLink AdsDDCreateRefIntegrity AdsDDCreateRefIntegrity62 AdsDDCreateTrigger AdsDDCreateUser AdsDDCreateUserGroup AdsDDDeleteIndex AdsDDDeleteUser AdsDDDeleteUserGroup AdsDDDeployDatabase AdsDDDropLink AdsDDExecuteProcedure AdsDDFindClose AdsDDFindFirstObject AdsDDFindNextObject AdsDDGetDatabaseProperty AdsDDGetFieldProperty AdsDDGetIndexFileProperty AdsDDGetIndexProperty AdsDDGetLinkProperty AdsDDGetPermissions AdsDDGetProcedureProperty AdsDDGetRefIntegrityProperty AdsDDGetTableOpenOptions AdsDDGetTableProperty AdsDDGetTriggerProperty AdsDDGetUserGroupProperty AdsDDGetUserProperty AdsDDGetViewProperty AdsDDGrantPermission AdsDDOpen AdsDDRemoveIndexFile AdsDDRemoveProcedure AdsDDRemoveRefIntegrity AdsDDRemoveTable AdsDDRemoveTrigger AdsDDRemoveUserFromGroup AdsDDRemoveView AdsDDRevokePermission AdsDDSetDatabaseProperty AdsDDSetFieldProperty AdsDDSetObjectAccessRights AdsDDSetTableProperty AdsDDSetUserGroupProperty AdsDDSetUserProperty AdsDDVerifyUserRights AdsDeactivateAOF AdsDecryptRecord AdsDecryptTable AdsDeleteCustomKey AdsDeleteFile AdsDeleteIndex AdsDeleteRecord AdsDeleteTable AdsDisableAutoIncEnforcement AdsDisableEncryption AdsDisableLocalConnections AdsDisableRI AdsDisableUniqueEnforcement AdsDisconnect AdsEcho AdsEnableAutoIncEnforcement AdsEnableEncryption AdsEnableRI AdsEnableUniqueEnforcement AdsEncryptRecord AdsEncryptTable AdsEvalAOF AdsEvalExpr AdsEvalLogicalExpr AdsEvalNumericExpr AdsEvalStringExpr AdsEvalTestExpr AdsExecuteSQL AdsExecuteSQLDirect AdsExpressionLongToShort AdsExpressionShortToLong AdsExtractKey AdsExtractPathPart AdsFailedTransactionRecovery AdsFileToBinary AdsFindClose AdsFindConnection AdsFindConnection25 AdsFindFirstTable AdsFindFirstTable62 AdsFindNextTable AdsFindNextTable62 AdsFlushFileBuffers AdsFreeExpr AdsFreeTokenBuffer AdsGetAOF AdsGetAOFOptLevel AdsGetActiveLinkInfo AdsGetAllIndexes AdsGetAllLocks AdsGetAllTables AdsGetBaseFieldName AdsGetBaseFieldNum AdsGetBinary AdsGetBinaryLength AdsGetBookmark AdsGetBookmark60 AdsGetBookmarkLength AdsGetCollationLang AdsGetColumnPermissions AdsGetConnectionPath AdsGetConnectionProperty AdsGetConnectionType AdsGetCursorAOF AdsGetDate AdsGetDateFormat AdsGetDateFormat60 AdsGetDecimals AdsGetDefault AdsGetDeleted AdsGetDouble AdsGetEpoch AdsGetErrorString AdsGetExact AdsGetExact22 AdsGetFTSIndexInfo AdsGetFTSIndexes AdsGetFTSScore AdsGetField AdsGetFieldDecimals AdsGetFieldLength AdsGetFieldName AdsGetFieldNum AdsGetFieldOffset AdsGetFieldRaw AdsGetFieldType AdsGetFilter AdsGetHandleLong AdsGetHandleType AdsGetIndexCondition AdsGetIndexExpr AdsGetIndexFilename AdsGetIndexFlags AdsGetIndexHandle AdsGetIndexHandleByExpr AdsGetIndexHandleByOrder AdsGetIndexName AdsGetIndexOrderByHandle AdsGetIndexPageSize AdsGetJulian AdsGetKeyColumn AdsGetKeyCount AdsGetKeyLength AdsGetKeyNum AdsGetKeyType AdsGetLastAutoinc AdsGetLastError AdsGetLastTableUpdate AdsGetLibraryVersion AdsGetLogical AdsGetLong AdsGetLongLong AdsGetMemoDataType AdsGetMemoLength AdsGetMilliseconds AdsGetMoney AdsGetNullRecord AdsGetNumActiveLinks AdsGetNumFTSIndexes AdsGetNumFields AdsGetNumIndexes AdsGetNumLocks AdsGetNumOpenTables AdsGetNumParams AdsGetNumSegments AdsGetRILookupInfo AdsGetROWIDPrefix AdsGetRecord AdsGetRecordCount AdsGetRecordLength AdsGetRecordNum AdsGetRecordPointer AdsGetRelKeyPos AdsGetSQLStatement AdsGetSQLStatementHandle AdsGetSQLStmtParams AdsGetScope AdsGetSearchPath AdsGetSegmentFieldNumbers AdsGetSegmentFieldname AdsGetSegmentOffset AdsGetServerName AdsGetServerTime AdsGetShort AdsGetString AdsGetTableAlias AdsGetTableCharType AdsGetTableConnection AdsGetTableFilename AdsGetTableHandle AdsGetTableHandle25 AdsGetTableLockType AdsGetTableMemoSize AdsGetTableOpenOptions AdsGetTableRights AdsGetTableType AdsGetTableWAN AdsGetTime AdsGetVersion AdsGotoBOF AdsGotoBookmark AdsGotoBookmark60 AdsGotoBottom AdsGotoRecord AdsGotoTop AdsImageToClipboard AdsImageToHBitmap AdsInTransaction AdsInitRawKey AdsInitTokenBuffer AdsIsEmpty AdsIsEncryptionEnabled AdsIsExprValid AdsIsFound AdsIsIndexCompound AdsIsIndexCustom AdsIsIndexDescending AdsIsIndexExprValid AdsIsIndexFTS AdsIsIndexUnique AdsIsIndexUserDefined AdsIsRecordDeleted AdsIsRecordEncrypted AdsIsRecordInAOF AdsIsRecordLocked AdsIsRecordVisible AdsIsSegmentDescending AdsIsServerLoaded AdsIsTableEncrypted AdsIsTableLocked AdsLocate AdsLockRecord AdsLockRecordImplicitly AdsLockTable AdsLookupKey AdsMakeNameUnique AdsMemCompare AdsMergeAOF AdsMgConnect AdsMgDisconnect AdsMgDumpInternalTables AdsMgGetActivityInfo AdsMgGetCommStats AdsMgGetConfigInfo AdsMgGetInstallInfo AdsMgGetLockOwner AdsMgGetLocks AdsMgGetOpenIndexes AdsMgGetOpenTables AdsMgGetServerType AdsMgGetUserNames AdsMgGetWorkerThreadActivity AdsMgKillUser AdsMgResetCommStats AdsNullTerminateStrings AdsOpenIndex AdsOpenTable AdsPackTable AdsParseExpr AdsPerformRI AdsPrepareSQL AdsPrepareSQLNow AdsPullTrigger AdsReadRecordNumbers AdsReadRecords AdsRecallAllRecords AdsRecallRecord AdsRefreshAOF AdsRefreshRecord AdsRefreshView AdsRegisterCallbackFunction AdsRegisterProgressCallback AdsRegisterSQLAbortFunc AdsRegisterUDF AdsReindex AdsReindex61 AdsReindexFTS AdsRemoveSQLComments AdsResetConnection AdsRestructureTable AdsRollbackTransaction AdsSeek AdsSeekLast AdsSetAOF AdsSetBOFFlag AdsSetBaseTableAccess AdsSetBinary AdsSetCollationLang AdsSetCollationSequence AdsSetCursorAOF AdsSetDate AdsSetDateFormat AdsSetDateFormat60 AdsSetDecimals AdsSetDefault AdsSetDouble AdsSetEmpty AdsSetEpoch AdsSetExact AdsSetExact22 AdsSetField AdsSetFieldRaw AdsSetFilter AdsSetFlushFlag AdsSetHandleLong AdsSetInternalError AdsSetJulian AdsSetLastError AdsSetLogical AdsSetLong AdsSetLongLong AdsSetMilliseconds AdsSetMoney AdsSetPacketSize AdsSetProperty AdsSetRecord AdsSetRelKeyPos AdsSetRelation AdsSetScope AdsSetScopedRelation AdsSetSearchPath AdsSetServerType AdsSetShort AdsSetString AdsSetTableCharType AdsSetTime AdsSetTimeStamp AdsSetTimeStampRaw AdsSetupRI AdsShowDeleted AdsShowError AdsSkip AdsSqlPeekStatement AdsStepIndexKey AdsStmtClearTablePasswords AdsStmtConstrainUpdates AdsStmtDisableEncryption AdsStmtEnableEncryption AdsStmtReadAllColumns AdsStmtSetOptimization AdsStmtSetTableCharType AdsStmtSetTableLockType AdsStmtSetTablePassword AdsStmtSetTableReadOnly AdsStmtSetTableRights AdsStmtSetTableType AdsThreadExit AdsUnlockRecord AdsUnlockTable AdsVerifyPassword AdsVerifyRI AdsVerifySQL AdsWriteAllRecords AdsWriteRecord AdsZapTable ObsAdsDecryptBuffer ObsAdsEncryptBuffer _WSFindAdvantage@12 _axAISRequest@16 _axCommReq@12 _axConnect60@28 _axConnectLocal60@28 _axDisconnect@4 _axSetGaugeCallback@8 _axSetPacketSize@8
- Error encountered while verifying view SQL statement. - unable to initialize heap - unable to open console device @runtime error ADS Error occured: Error code AOF error: Error creating file. AOF error: Error evaluating filter expression. AOF error: Error opening file. AOF error: Error parsing filter expression. AOF error: Error seeking in index when creating filter. AOF error: Error using index when creating filter. AOF error: Unable to read filter. AOF error: Unable to write filter. Advantage was unable to lock the INF file. Allocation of global error list failed. An error occurred in the compression library when attempting to free up a compression or decompression stream on the client. An error occurred in the compression library when attempting to free up a compression or decompression stream on the server. An error occurred in the compression library when attempting to initialize a compression or decompression stream on the client. An error occurred in the compression library when attempting to initialize a compression or decompression stream on the server. An error occurred in the compression library while compressing a request to send to the server. An error occurred in the compression library while compressing the response to a client request. An error occurred in the compression library while decompressing a request from the client. An error occurred in the compression library while decompressing a response from the server. An error occurred trying to find IP network adapters. An error occurred trying to find network adapters. An error occurred when attempting to rename a file. An error occurred while reading/writing from/to the file during the binary data transfer. An index with the UNIQUE property was not able to be created because data in the table produced non-unique key values. Check the Advantage error log for record numbers that caused the failures. An internal error was encountered during trigger processing. An internal error was encountered in the full text search engine. An internal error was encountered manipulating the task list. An internal error was encountered reading the encryption password. An invalid UNC path was provided. See error log for more information. An unknown Advantage error was generated. Please contact Advantage Technical Support. CRI_GRAPH::Initialize internal error 2. CRI_GRAPH::Initialize internal error 3. Error %lu: Error Loading DLL Error advertising service. Error binding SQL column. Error binding SQL parameter. Error closing find file handle. Error code %lu is unknown. Error converting strings to/from Unicode strings from/to 8-bit strings. Error copying %s to %s Error creating BLOB file. Error creating index file. Error creating memo file. Error creating merge file. Error creating sockets. No sockets were able to be created. Error creating table. Error disconnecting AQE connection. Error during BLOB file positioning. Error encountered when trying to open a database table. Error executing query. Error fetching data from AQE. Error finding task in client expression engine DLL. Error freeing AQE statement. Error getting ASA function pointer for %s Error getting local server connection for input/ouput tables. Error getting server's computer name. Error in Advantage configuration parameter/value/data. Error initializing the software protection code. Error loading client expression engine DLL. Error loading the Advantage Local Server DLL. Error loading the Advantage remote communication layer DLL. Error locating table trigger is based on. Error obtaining server drive information from server and share names. Error occurred when the Advantage Local Server attempted to use the EXTEND.CHR or ANSI.CHR file. Either EXTEND.CHR or ANSI.CHR could not be opened, could not be read from, or did not contain the expected data. Error opening calltrace file Error opening connection semaphore file. Error opening file containing the BLOB. Error opening index file. Error opening memo file. Error opening or using a socket. Error opening table. Error preparing SQL statement. Error reading from the file Error reading hardware key. Error retrieving column information from AQE. Error retrieving parameter information from AQE. Error retrieving row information from AQE. Error retrieving the function addresses in an Advantage DLL. Error retrieving the local server comm task pointer. Error returned by the IPX layer. Error updating TPS log file size in the server OS. Error updating index file size in the server OS. Error updating memo file size in the server OS. Error updating table size in the server OS. Error when Advantage attempted to create a Microsoft networking mailslot. Error when Advantage was closing a Microsoft networking mailslot. Error when Advantage was reading from a Microsoft networking mailslot. Error when Advantage was writing to a Microsoft networking mailslot. Error when initializing the Winsock DLL. Error while verifying software license. Error with key in custom index. Error writing to the file Failed to obtain SQL error information. Failure in Advantage Query Engine. Check Advantage error log for more information. General Advantage Expression Engine evaluator error code. General Advantage Expression Engine parser Error Code. General TAdsDataSet error, see error object message for error-specific details. Internal error in RestructureIndex. Local server connections are restricted in this environment. See the 5185 error code documentation for details. No error occurred. Referential Integrity update operation failed. Unable to lock all necessary records. Retry the operation. The 'discovery' process for the Advantage Database Server failed. Unable to connect to the Advantage Database Server. The MoveFile command failed with error number %d while trying to rename a file named %s to the name %s. The Startup routine in the AEP named %s exited with the error code: %d The container named %s failed to load with an error code %d. The error string for the specified error code was not found in string table. The function named %s could not be found within the container named %s. The error code is %d The referential integrity has been corrupted due to a delete operation that failed. See the error help file for more information. The referential integrity has been corrupted due to a write operation that failed. See the error help file for more information. The specified table, memo file, or index file was unable to be opened. The stored procedure named %s called a function named %s in the AEP named %s. The function returned with the error code: %d The stored procedure named %s called a function named %s. The function could not be found within the AEP named %s. The error code is %d The stored procedure named %s requires the AEP named %s. The AEP failed to load with an error code %d. There is an error in the Advantage INF file. There was no applicable error message for the given error number. This error was returned from the index UDF. Unable to allocate memory for bitmap. Unable to close tables that are in transactions. Unable to create backup directory: %s. Unable to create the bitmap object Unable to disable connection. Unable to empty the clipboard. Unable to find server with the Advantage Database Server running. Unable to generate unique tag name. Unable to get file information for ADTs with rights checking off. Unable to locate RI definition after graph update. Unable to lock the table for the reindex operation. Unable to open service connection. Unable to open the clipboard. Unable to open the file for reading. Unable to open the file for writing. Unable to read bitmap data. Unable to retrieve current error string. Unable to retrieve file date information. Unable to retrieve task number. Unable to set connection. Unable to set task number. Unable to set the clipboard data. Unexpected error from Advantage Server Agent. Check Advantage error log for details. Unknown Error while verifying software license.