


32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
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7829 Kb
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3273.3 Kb

					start vertex 

			edge start vertex 

		Error vector 

		at start term.

		edge params: start %g end %g

		first edge start 

		off-surface error increasing - no int

		second edge start 

		set merged edge start to 


		start dir 

		start vertex 

	(Start Slice)

	Rad Start Param

	Split edge at start of other_sheet_coed

	Start Major Axis

	Start Minor Axis

	Start Radius

	Start Rotation Angle

	Start rating: %s

	Start vertex 

	add start vertex 

	all edges done (start met)

	alt at start %s alt at end %s

	as given by start mate

	at start of curve, parameter 

	at_start %s

	attached at start - disconnect

	before start of curve

	bi_blend at start %s bi_blend at end %s

	check_chain: error for supp 

	clear subshells and start again

	constant radius: point_perp at start 

	edge start and end identical (oops!)

	edge start param %g


	error bound %g

	error bounds %g, %g, %g


	interval start found at %g

	interval start is unbounded - ff_int 

	interval start not found



	mate at start %s mate at end %s

	mate_at_start %s mate_at_end %s

	mitre at start %s mitre at end %s

	new start mate (last_fwd %s)

	new start param %g

	no_mitre_at_start %s no_mitre_at_end %s

	number of smooth edges at start %d

	open at start %s open at end %s

	open_at_start %s open_at_end %s

	pos_exists: int_at_start %s 

	prev_edge pars start %g  end %g

	set_values: att_edge_start 

	set_values: att_fac_start 

	setbacks: at start %g at end %g

	sheet_vtx i.e. start of coedge 

	simple at start %s  simple at end %s

	simple at start %s simple at end %s


	start : 

	start and end geom found 

	start and end geom now 

	start at 

	start int_point (prev_par %g)

	start new capping face (or edge):

	start of coedge 

	start off, end on

	start on, end off

	start param 

	start point 

	start terminator 

	start vertex 

	univex at start %s univex at end %s

	with parameter %g and error %g

    start case...

   New start point: 

   Old start point: 

 (start param %.10g) 

 ERROR : In var_blend_spl_sur::extend()  

 Error !

 area %g, error %g

 at start vertex 


 is not remeshed (start node)

 npts = 10   max error = %12.8lf

 spur at start 

 start was 

!!!! Blank at start of blend2:

!!!! Blend body at start of check_z_config

!!!! Sheet at start of blend2:

%s	Start slice, End slice: %x %x

%sstart parameter: %.10g, end parameter: %.10g

(%d), Start : 

) >

 start param (

) - copying start to end

*** At start of inner loop ***

**** start and end edges differ ****

, error 

, error %g

..error code %d from ag_eval_span_1

7: Unable to determine curve's domain.

Absolute error %g

Add attribute to start vertex 

Adding surface for start of the closed profile.

Ag_cub_bs_fit return error : %d

Ag_x_crv_crv returns error %d

Ag_x_crv_self returns error %d

At start of call to discard_remote_intervals, list is

At start u %g sinu_s %g cosu_s %g

Before start of edge

Blend types: start %s end %s

Calling param for start of coedge 

Check start vertex connections

Creating start ss int 

Cur start pos : 

Cur start vec : 

Drop perpendicular from start to surface

End_vertex: param == start_param

 use start vertex

 split edge 

Error %s

Error Number.. : %d

Error bad syntax at %s

Error in gamma_P

Error in gamma_int

Error in gammap

Error in get_ent_param()

Error in param

Error law %d was not given

Error: edge start param err

Error: edge without start vertex

Error: error in control point coincidence

Error: start vertex not on curve

Error: start vertex not on face surface

Find_bi_blend: at start of coedge 

Find_edge_mate called for start of bb coedge 

First %s last %s open_at_start %s open_at_end %s

Individual error tolerances v %g m %g i %g

MEMLOG: log freelist operations with error checking output.

Make_sheet_edges: ffints start 

New start param %g end param %g

No start bound, 

Outcome: error number %d

Overall error tolerances v %g m %g i %g

Param was at or below start value of %f

Parameter before start of ef_list

Path start off the plane of the prfile.

Path start off the plane of the profile.

Pop off existing start entry

Prev_edge pars start %g  end %g

Rad Start param

Reading start pos 

Splice in start of new chain


Start : %d	end : %d

Start and end mate missing for bi-blend vertex

Start att is %d 

Start co-edge

Start coedge

Start coedge : 

Start cont : %s

Start curvature

Start direction

Start ffblend_geom: (uc %d) at 

Start fflist is

Start ffsegment++++ (

Start flag

Start left spring curve interpolation

Start node on att not on cur elem

Start node on att not on sur elem

Start of segend (i=%d):

Start off_pos begins as

Start or end mate missing for mitre vertex

Start outer is %d

Start outwards

Start parameter

Start point

Start pointer

Start pole=(%g,%g,%g) t=(%g) %s

Start radius

Start right spring curve interpolation

Start sb diff

Start setback

Start side on att marked off when on

Start side on att not correct

Start tube spine interpolation

Start vertex

Start vertex 

Start vertex : 

Start vsegment++++ (

Test start of list 

Total error estimates a %g m %g i %g

Total error estimates v %g m %g i %g

Unable to calculate splitting surface

Unable to calculate splitting surface 

Unable to compute lateral curve

Unable to compute lateral surface

Unable to determine number of valid messages.

Unable to find the acismsg.dll file.

Unable to orient double-sided sheet faces

Warning: coedge's start vertex lies on pole of surface



 npts = 10   max error = %12.8lf

Last update: 21/01/2025