Adobe_OOBELib_BackDoorUpgradeCheck Adobe_OOBELib_CalculateVC Adobe_OOBELib_CheckSubscriptionMode Adobe_OOBELib_CheckSubscriptionValidity Adobe_OOBELib_CheckSubscriptionValidityOnline Adobe_OOBELib_CheckWFType Adobe_OOBELib_CheckforUpgrade Adobe_OOBELib_CleanUpCachePCD Adobe_OOBELib_CreateRef Adobe_OOBELib_Deactivate Adobe_OOBELib_DeactivateLicense Adobe_OOBELib_DisAssociateAll Adobe_OOBELib_EnumerateKeys Adobe_OOBELib_GetAdobeId Adobe_OOBELib_GetChallengeString_UpgradeCheck Adobe_OOBELib_GetRefID Adobe_OOBELib_GetSerialInfo Adobe_OOBELib_GetServiceClaimData Adobe_OOBELib_GetValueforKeyInSubDomain Adobe_OOBELib_Getversion Adobe_OOBELib_ISOTaggingAtInstall Adobe_OOBELib_LaunchPurchaseWorkFlow Adobe_OOBELib_LoadTrial Adobe_OOBELib_Process_file Adobe_OOBELib_ProtectedContentCheck Adobe_OOBELib_QueryLicenses Adobe_OOBELib_ReleaseRef Adobe_OOBELib_RemoveKeyInSubDomainInCache Adobe_OOBELib_Remove_payload Adobe_OOBELib_Retrieve_SerialNumber Adobe_OOBELib_Retryactivation Adobe_OOBELib_SaveAdobeId Adobe_OOBELib_SetAdobeId Adobe_OOBELib_SetAdobeIdExtProfile Adobe_OOBELib_SetAppXMLData Adobe_OOBELib_SetClaimStatus Adobe_OOBELib_SetClaimStatusEx Adobe_OOBELib_SetCredentialsForProxy Adobe_OOBELib_SetUniversalCookie Adobe_OOBELib_SetValueforKeyInSubDomainInCache Adobe_OOBELib_Set_Eula Adobe_OOBELib_Set_InstallLocale Adobe_OOBELib_Set_serialnumber Adobe_OOBELib_SuppressRegistrationNag Adobe_OOBELib_UpgradeCheck Adobe_OOBELib_UpgradeDoneAtInstallTime Adobe_OOBELib_Validate_SerialNumber
%s: %s: Start SWTAGGING productName=%s licensingCode=%s locale=%s caller=%u %s: Event start type is not absolute date %s: SLConfig Parsing Error Maj=%d Min=%d %s: Start ALM %s %s (build %s) ALMService: Feature_IsAvailable error %d:%d. ALM_Initialize error %d:%d (Errno = %d) Adobe_asm.exe launch failed (Error : %ld) Error : SetAdobeID not called! Error code : %d Error connecting to server Error decrypting SN Error document empty. Error in remembering SN Error null (0) or unexpected EOF found in input stream. Error opening connection Error opening request Error parsing CDATA. Error parsing Comment. Error parsing Declaration. Error parsing Element. Error parsing Unknown. Error parsing response Error reading Attributes. Error reading Element value. Error reading end tag. Error setting callback Error when TiXmlDocument added to document, because TiXmlDocument can only be at the root. Error while communication : %d.%d Function CoCreateInstance failed with error code %ld Function CoInitialize failed with error code %ld Function CreateTrigger failed with error code %ld Function GetUserName failed with error code %ld Function LookupAccountName failed with error code %ld Function NewWorkItem failed with error code %ld Function QueryInterface failed with error code %ld Function Save failed with error code %ld Function SetAccountInformation failed with error code %ld Function SetApplicationName failed with error code %ld Function SetFlags failed with error code %ld Function SetTrigger failed with error code %ld GetEndDefinition : error creating object HandleLicenseExtension : Error while loading license extension (%d:%d) License_Check error %d:%d. (Errno = %d) License_Return error %d:%d. Machine ID computation failed SLCore error =%d No Serial Number found, can't start trial OOBELIB RemoveKeyInSubDomainInCache: Error in removing Key ! OOBELIB::GetProductName Unable to create PCD Service! OOBELib SetSubscriptionClaimData : Error creating dictionary. OOBELib SetSubscriptionClaimData : Error getting machine ID. OOBELib SetUniversalCookieInLicenseDoc : Error creating dictionary. OOBELib Start Deactivation STARTED Parseconfig: Parse error on line %d: No attribute %s Parseconfig: Parse error on line %d: Not an element: %s Parseconfig: error converting to wide char: ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER Parseconfig: error converting to wide char: ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS Parseconfig: error converting to wide char: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Parseconfig: error converting to wide char: ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION Parseconfig: error converting to wide char: unknown (%ld) RetryActivation error %d:%d. SLConfig Parsing Error Maj=%d Min=%d Start Date Can Not Pass Year 2027 Unable to load xml file for parsing Unable to locate symbol %s in %s Unknown error : %d.%d Unknown error code UpdateUserDataForCheck : Unknown event start type UpdateUserDataForDataCollection : Unknown event start type