- unable to initialize heap - unable to open console device Error document empty. Error null (0) or unexpected EOF found in input stream. Error parsing CDATA. Error parsing Comment. Error parsing Declaration. Error parsing Element. Error parsing Unknown. Error reading Attributes. Error reading Element value. Error reading end tag. Error when TiXmlDocument added to document, because TiXmlDocument can only be at the root. Runtime error SessionSequenceStart failed Unable to compute OMAC signature Unable to encrypt COPP signature Unable to encrypt blob with RSA key. Unable to encrypt block Unable to export the AES key using CryptExportKey Unable to find the modulus and exponent item in the driver certificate, or the certificate failed validation Unable to generate Lu and Lu1 from the AES key Unable to generate command sequnce number from CryptGenRandom Unable to generate status sequnce number from CryptGenRandom Unable to generate the AES key using CryptGenKey Unable to get a context from CryptAcquireContext Unable to get a random value Unable to get encrypt zero vector Unable to get the IAMCertifiedOutputProtection interface. Unable to get the connector Unable to get the length of the AES key using CryptExportKey Unable to import the modulus blob with RSA KEY CryptImportKey Unable to obtain key blob from driver. Unable to set the command to the device