
Adobe Systems, Incorporated

Adobe GC Updater Library

32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
4505.2 Kb
Download size
1975.4 Kb

 and error is 

 and value set in ferror is 

 operation failed with error 

%12sUnable to load Public Key





1.1 Start easy ignore fin thickness&






1.1 Start easy ignore fin thickness

AllocateAndInitializeSid (Admin) error %u

AllocateAndInitializeSid (Everyone) error %u

An error occurring while using a license file

BtreeInitPage() returns error code %d

Cannot start a transaction within a transaction

Check for update failed with error : %d

Client download failed with error : %d

Comments must start with /

Communcation Error - HTTP Error >

=  400 and <


Communcation Error - HTTP Error >

=  500 and <


Communcation Error - HTTP Proxy Auth Failed

Communication Error - Cancel

Communication Error - Generic Error - %d

Communication Error - HTTP Failure - %d

Communication Error - HTTP Proxy Auth Request

Communication Error - Invalid Response

Communication Error - Invalid Server URL

Communication Error - TimeOut

Couldn't reset perms on-[%s],

 error code:%d.

Deleting license file [%s],

 start time do not match.

Download failed with error : %d

ERROR:Error in AllocateAndInitializeSid: error code %d

ERROR:Error in InitializeSecurityDescriptor: error code %d

ERROR:Error in SetEntriesInAcl: error code %d

ERROR:Error in SetSecurityDescriptorDacl: error code %d

ERROR:Error in crateing SLCache folder: InitializeSecurityDescriptor: error code %d

ERROR:Error in crateing SLCache folder: LocalAlloc: error code %d

ERROR:Error in crateing SLCache folder: SetEntriesInAcl: error code %d

ERROR:Error in crateing SLCache folder: SetSecurityDescriptorDacl: error code %d

ERROR:Error in crateing SLCache folder: error code %d

ERROR:Error while iterating through slstore: error code %d

ERROR:Failed to parse the slc document data. Error Description:[%s]-[%s].

ERROR:Got Error while encrypting the data:%s.


Error %d

Error assigning memory for callback data

Error column

Error converting ascii path to wide path

Error could not executeGeneralSQLQuery. error :%d errorMsg: %s

Error creating XML for input

Error creating folder for client application

Error creating memory for version

Error creating mkey file

Error deleting bad mkey: 

Error document empty.

Error downloading client application

Error during initialization: %s

Error generating mkey: 

Error getting mkey: 

Error in %s: %s

Error in ValidateSerialNumber in LoadSLR %d

Error in encoding

Error in fseek: Returned value is 

Error in ftell: Returned value is 

Error null (0) or unexpected EOF found in input stream.

Error number is 

Error parsing CDATA.

Error parsing Comment.

Error parsing Declaration.

Error parsing Element.

Error parsing Unknown.

Error parsing XML

Error reading Attributes.

Error reading Element value.

Error reading end tag.

Error reading license files

Error retrieving URL for CFU

Error retrieving version for file : %d

Error row

Error storing mkey: 

Error storing server machine key: 

Error when TiXmlDocument added to document,

 because TiXmlDocument can only be at the root.

Error while closing SQLite session

Error while iterating through slstore: error code %d.

Error while opening SQLite connection %d

Error while setting up SQL_SINGLE_TIMEOUT

Error while updating schema %d

Error writing XML data in file : %d

Error writing mkey file


 Error %d


 Error %d


 Error %d

Failed SetFilePointer,

 error code:%d.


 Error %d

Failed in fetching pending events,

 Error %d

Failed insert SchemaVersion,

 Error %d

Failed read the file data,

 error code:%d.

Failed to CloseHandle,

 error code:%d.

Failed to SQL_BEGIN_QUEUEFETCH with error %d

Failed to UnlockFileEx,

 error code:%d.

Failed to allocate memory while reading the document content from file,

 error code:%d.

Failed to create process as user ,

 Error : %d

Failed to create the Environment block for the user ,

 Error : %d

Failed to delete failed events,

 error occured %d

Failed to fetch process token of the running Adobe Application ,

 Error : %d

Failed to get the Error node.

Failed to get the file handle in write mode,

 error code:%d.

Failed to get the file size before reading,

 error code:%d.

Failed to get the file size in write mode,

 error code:%d.

Failed to get the file size mode,

 error code:%d.

Failed to initiate the file downloader with error : %d

Failed to obtain process handle from process id of running Adobe App ,

 Error : %d

Failed to open file in read mode,

 error code:%d.

Failed to open file in write mode,

 error code:%d.

Failed to parse the response from server error desc:[%s]-Response[%s].

Failed to set FlushFileBuffers,

 error code:%d.

Failed to set the eof marker,

 error code:%d.

Failed to start the file download with error : %d

Failed to update events %d,

 error occured %d

Failed write data,

 error code:%d.

File Copy From %S to %S Failed Error = %d

FileSink: error opening file for writing: 

FileSink: error writing file

FileStore: error opening file for reading: 

FileStore: error reading file

GetAllLicenseRefs::read permission error  %s

GetLicenseServerData failed with error %s.

Got error while decoding enigma xml.

IAL Unknown Error - %d

IAL returned no error but no rules data found

Inflator: error in compressed block

InvertibleRSAFunction: computational error during private key operation

Latest client application can not be downloaded : error : %d

License Doc Parsing error is %d.

Online Trial: Error got empty mkey...

Online Trial: Error in getting mkey...

OsError 0x%lx (%lu)

Parsing failed with error : %d

SLCoreServiceLoadLicenseExtension failed with error %s.

SQL logic error or missing database

Service Start Pending

Start Time do not match

Start of 

Synchronize failed in LoadSLR with error %d

Test safe error return.

ThreadUserTimer: GetThreadTimes failed with error 

Throw error with bad end quotes.

Timer: QueryPerformanceCounter failed with error 

Timer: QueryPerformanceFrequency failed with error 

Unable to case userdata to analytics procress obj

Unable to close due to unfinalized statements or unfinished backups

Unable to create analytics session due to failure of db path,

 Error: %d

Unable to create analytics session due to failure while creating DB session,

 Error: %d

Unable to create directory %s

Unable to delete newly added file %S and system error = %d

Unable to delete/modify collation sequence due to active statements

Unable to delete/modify user-function due to active statements

Unable to fetch events to send out analytics,

 DB returned error %d

Unable to get OS version from native APIs,

 using %s

Unable to get the page. error code=%d

Unable to get user's roaming folder Internal error 

Unable to identify the object to be reindexed

Unable to locate symbol %s in %s

Unable to open a temporary database file for storing temporary tables

Unable to open database file

Unable to open database: %s

Unable to open shared library [%s]

Unable to process path from OS APIs

Unable to queue analytics event for client %s,

 error occured %d

Unable to queue analytics events,

 DB instance is not initialized

Unable to queue analytics events,

 DB returned %d

Unable to remove file spec %s

Unable to send analytics events,

 DB returned %d

Unable to use function %s in the requested context

Unexpeted mkey error deteced: 

Unhandled error during download : %d

Warn:Get Stat Error for subdomain-[%s]

Last update: 21/01/2025