- unable to initialize heap - unable to open console device 19436$/ALM_CANNOT_LOAD_SCAPI=An error has been detected and the product cannot ^ncontinue. Please reinstall the application. 19438$/ALM_ERROR_MISSINGCOMPONENT=An error has been detected and the product cannot ^ncontinue. Please reinstall the application. 19440$/ALM_UNABLE_START_TRANSACTION=An error has occurred while trying to start the activation ^nprocess. Please restart your computer and close all other ^napplications before trying to activate again. 19442$/ALM_ERRORCODE_LABEL=Error code: 19444$/ALM_GENERIC_DENIAL_MSG=The activation for Adobe %s has been denied. This may have occurred for a variety of reasons, such as: the number of allowed activations has been exceeded, the activation number is invalid or an error has occurred during the installation process. 19446$/ALM_UNABLE_START_TRANSACTION=An error has occurred while trying to start the activation ^nprocess. Please restart your computer and close all other ^napplications before trying to activate again. Runtime error