
Adobe Systems Incorporated


32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
1164.4 Kb
Download size
555.9 Kb

Cannot start a transaction within a transaction

ERROR Applet registration Element at Location %d With tag %s is empty.

ERROR Applet registration Element at Location %d does not have all mandatory tags.

ERROR Faild to END transaction %s.

ERROR Faild to ROLEBACK transaction %s.

ERROR Faild to begin transaction %s.

ERROR Faild to beginTransction %s.

ERROR Faild to endTransaction %s.

ERROR Faild to rolebackTransaction %s.

ERROR Failed %s.

ERROR Failed Delete backed up assets %s

ERROR Failed to beging transaction InsertRecord.

ERROR Failed to copy files from pkg folder (%s) to backup folder(%s)

ERROR Failed to create dir path %s

ERROR Failed to create dir path: '%s'

ERROR Failed to deleteAppletRegInfoRecords.

ERROR Failed to deletePackageInstallationInfoRecord.

ERROR Failed to deletePackageUpgradeInfoRecords.

ERROR Failed to execute getMapValuesWithStringsAndPredicatesFromTableForField query %s.

ERROR Failed to execute getNumberOfRowsWithMapInTable query %s.

ERROR Failed to execute insert query %s.

ERROR Failed to execute insert query : %s.

ERROR Failed to get old Package ID and targetPath.

ERROR Failed to insertAppletRegInfoList.

ERROR Failed to insertPackageUpdateList object %d.

ERROR Failed to rename folder from(%s) to folder(%s)

ERROR Package Upgrade Element at Location %d With tag %s is empty.

ERROR RoleBack transaction in InsertRecords.

ERROR Unable to construct Assets Path.

ERROR Unable to construct Assets Path: '%s'

ERROR failed to delete the back up folder(%s)

ERROR getMapValuesWithMapInTable : could not construct whereQuery.

ERROR in Committing transaction InsertRecord.

ERROR in copying pimx file ... could not construct string.

ERROR in copying pimx file to destination.

ERROR insertRecordWithMapIntoTable : could not construct delete query(whereQuery).

ERROR insertRecordWithMapIntoTable : could not construct whereQuery.

ERROR insertRecordWithMapIntoTable invalid params: map or table name is null.

ERROR insertRecordWithMapIntoTable invalid params: map size is less than zero.

Error Description : XML initWithXMLString failed.

Error Description : XML is already initialized, tring to initilize again.

Error Description : XML is not initialized. Could not get root node

Error Dest Doesnot exits. Failed to create the destination path.

Error Failed RoleBack transaction

Error Failed RollBack transaction

Error Failed insert records ...

Error Failed to Restore Backup

Error Failed to convert OS_STRING to string.

Error Failed to extract assets...

Error Failed to get data from database ...

Error Failed to get data from table kAppletRegInfoTable

Error Failed to get data from table kPackageInstInfoTable

Error Failed to get data from table kPackageUpgradeInfoTable

Error Failed to get old packageid list from Database.

Error Failed to get package size.

Error Failed to get size of old package on the system.

Error Failed to get upgrade packageid list from xml.

Error Failed to init dest pim db ...

Error Failed to init src pim db ...

Error Failed to insert records in table kAppletRegInfoTable

Error Failed to insert records in table kPackageInstInfoTable

Error Failed to insert records in table kPackageUpgradeInfoTable

Error Failed to insertRecordWithMapIntoTable.

Error Failed to remove the Package copied

Error Failed to remove the new Package copied to the machine.

Error Ingetting old package row count.

Error Invalid Arguments ...

Error Invalid Arguments :: pimCFPath

Error Invalid Library reference.(PIM_STATUS_INVALID_LIBRARY_REF) 

Error Invalid arguments  out path is NULL.

Error Occured :%d

Error Occured%s

Error Source PIM Doesnot exits.

Error Sqlite 'Failed' to recover from journal file, trying to delte journal file...

Error could not executeGeneralSQLQuery.

Error couldnot get the //package_installation_info/assets_size from the package manifest file.

Error couldnot get the //package_installation_info/effective_package_id from the package manifest file.

Error couldnot get the //package_installation_info/packageid from the package manifest file.

Error couldnot get the //package_installation_info/type from the package manifest file or invalid value for the extension installation

Error couldnot get the //package_installation_info/type from the package manifest file.

Error couldnot initialize XML. Improper xml file at index %d.

Error couldnot initialize XML. Improper xml file.

Error do not have enough disk space ... %llu

Error during initialization: %s

Error get schema_compatibility_version  from the pim_meta table.

Error get schema_version  from the pim_meta table.

Error in Get Table count.

Error in _pimCreateAndValidateUpdateInventoryLibrary.

Error in constructing acf path.

Error in converting PIMString for acfPath to string

Error in copying contents from ACF to USF fro package: %s

Error in creating directory at path: %s

Error in fetching values from kPackageInstInfoTable.

Error in finding the same Package Installed.

Error in getting ACF installed Package details

Error in getting installed location

Error in validating the newer package installed...

Error inconstructing usf and acf.

Error invalid value for the package assets size %s. Should be integer.

Error outACFPath pointer is NULL

Error outUSFPath pointer is NULL

Error outUSFTempPath pointer is NULL

Error outVersionChars pointer is NULL

Error outXML pointer is NULL

Error pim_syncFromPathToPath Source path and destination path can't be same.

Error unable to open Sqlite Data base from the path: %s.

Failed to create or update AAMInventory for channelID %s updateID=%s  error :%d minError:%d

Failed to get disk Space error :%d

GetACFPackageIdandSize: Error in getting installed package id

GetInstalledPackageSize: Error in getting installed location

NError couldnot Create Database file.

OsError 0x%x (%u)

SQL logic error or missing database

START of pim_copyPkgsFromACFToCFPath

START utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolder %s %s 

Sqlite3BtreeInitPage() returns error code %d

Start of 

Unable to Updater inventory library object.

Unable to close due to unfinalised statements

Unable to close due to unfinished backup operation

Unable to convert assets path to unicode:%s

Unable to convert path to widechar:%s

Unable to create directoryPath at desired location. ErrorCode: %d

Unable to delete/modify collation sequence due to active statements

Unable to delete/modify user-function due to active statements

Unable to get process path.

Unable to get the page. error code=%d

Unable to get updaterinventory path from BS.

Unable to identify the object to be reindexed

Unable to open a temporary database file for storing temporary tables

Unable to open database file

Unable to open database: %s

Unable to open shared library [%s]

Unable to retreive Local App Data Path from Win library:%s

Unable to unzip the contents of package: %s

Unable to use function %s in the requested context

Last update: 21/01/2025