AdsGetLibraryVersion axCommReq axConnectLocal axConnectLocal60 axDisconnect axSetGaugeCallback
-- Location of error in the SQL statement is: %d -- Location of error in the SQL statement is: %d (line: %d column: %d) There was an error parsing the WHERE clause in DELETE FROM. There was an error processing the view SELECT statement - unable to initialize heap - unable to open console device 00000 00000 [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL Engine]Unknown error code 00000 00000 [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL Engine]Unknown error code. 08001 08001 [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL Engine]Unable to connect @runtime error Advantage Query Engine Error Information not available! Buffer too small to return SQL error string! Error Loading DLL Error in ORDER BY clause Error in SELECT or HAVING clause Error reading configuration file at line %d Error reading configuration file. Invalid entry %s at line %d Initializing the Advantage Local Server failed. The error that caused the initialization failure was Advantage error code: %u Initializing the Advantage Local Server failed. The error that caused the initialization failure was Win32 error code: %u NativeError = S0000 S0000 [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL Engine]An error was encountered while reading an intermediate or temporary file. S0000 S0000 [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL Engine]Unable to GROUP BY this column: %s S0000 S0000 [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL Engine]Unable to ORDER BY this column: %s S0000 S0000 [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL Engine]Unable to create keyset. S0000 S0000 [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL Engine]Unable to do GROUP BY S0000 S0000 [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL Engine]Unable to do ORDER BY S0000 S0000 [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL Engine]Unable to perform DISTINCT operation on this column: %s S1000 HY000 [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL Engine]An error was encountered generating a temp file name for input/output parameters. Contact Advantage Technical Services and provide your ads_err.dbf log file. State = %s NativeError = %d Unable to find or open the ANSI.CHR file or unable to find the ANSI language specified in the ANSI_CHAR_SET key word in ADSLOCAL.CFG. Unable to find or open the EXTEND.CHR file or unable to find the OEM language specified in the OEM_CHAR_SET key word in ADSLOCAL.CFG. Your statement must start with CREATE, DROP, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, ALTER, EXECUTE, DELETE, GRANT, REVOKE, BEGIN, COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or SET