computeren, og start programmet igen.DEU
datamaskinen, og start programmet p
(non-Win32 .EXE or error in .EXE image).
- unable to initialize heap
- unable to open console device
A server error occurred. Please try again later.
An error occurred during the start of Nero ProductSetup.
Buffer error in compressed datastream in %s chunk
CNeroSXSError 0x%.8X ->
0x%.8X [ %S ]
Controleer de tijdinstelling van de computer en start de toepassing opnieuw.NORp
Data error in compressed datastream in %s chunk
Die Lizenz, die Sie gerade verwenden, erlaubt den Start dieser Applikation nicht.ELLd
Error cr
Error de activaci
Error de comunicaci
Error de conexi
Error de instalaci
Error de servidor. Intente m
Error decoding compressed text
Error desconocido (c
Error document empty.
Error durante el inicio de Nero ProductSetup.
Error en la comunicaci
Error en la conexi
Error en la instalaci
Error grave:
Error grave: No se puede iniciar Nero ControlCenter.
Error grave: no se puede iniciar Nero ControlCenter
Error in user chunk
Error in your installation!
Error null (0) or unexpected EOF found in input stream.
Error parsing CDATA.
Error parsing Comment.
Error parsing Declaration.
Error parsing Element.
Error parsing Unknown.
Error reading Attributes.
Error reading BMP info
Error reading Element value.
Error reading end tag.
Error saving ICO body
Error saving ICO image header
Error saving PNG file
Error when TiXmlDocument added to document, because TiXmlDocument can only be at the root.
Error writing ICO file header
Fatal Error: Cannot start Nero Control Center.
If the language file you have chosen is not supported by this Nero product, please select a language supported by all installed Nero products and restart your Nero product, or select Use English.
It is necessary to connect to the Internet to enable a one-time activation. We could not establish a connection to the Nero web server. If you are using a firewall please ensure that Nero's activation is allowed to pass your firewall.
It's an error to set both read_data_fn and write_data_fn in the
K og start p
Libpng error no. %s: %s
Please check your computer's time setting and start the application again.
Runtime error
Se ha producido un error de servidor. Vuelva a intentarlo m
Se produjo un error durante el inicio de Nero ProductSetup.
Thank you for using this Nero product. Connecting to the Internet is necessary to enable a one-time activation. Please connect to Internet now by clicking the <
button and continue using your product without further interruption.
The license you are currently using does not allow you to start this application
To enable the feature you are trying to access, please download a FREE trial.*
To enable the feature you are trying to access, please download a FREE trial.*DEU^
Unable to load resource!
Unable to open hyperlink:
Unable to write international text
Unknown error (error code: %i). Please try again later or contact %s.
Write Error in GIF file
You do not have permission to start this application.