- unable to initialize heap - unable to open console device Memory check error at 0x%08X = 0x%02X, should be 0x%02X. Runtime error ed255green255lue0 ed255green255lue255 ed0green0lue128 ed0green128lue128 ed0green128lue0 ed128green0lue128 ed128green0lue0 ed128green128lue0 ed128green128lue128 ed192green192lue192 }pardplain f5 Sketch a circle of radius 1 and centered line at the origin of the coordinate grid. Start from the line point (1, 0) and rotate the appropriate number of line degrees counterclockwise. Draw a line that line connects the point to one of the axes. You now line have a triangle with which you can use the basic line trig functions. Just remember which quadrant line you quote re in affects whether the answer is positive or line negative.{par }} ed255green255lue0 ed255green255lue255 ed0green0lue128 ed0green128lue128 ed0green128lue0 ed128green0lue128 ed128green0lue0 ed128green128lue0 ed128green128lue128 ed192green192lue192 }pardplain x1800 f5 {To factor }{i x}{fs20up6 2}{ }endash { 5}{i x}{ + 6, think about what }{ F}{irst terms will }line {produce }{i x}{fs20up6 2}{, what }{ L}{ast terms will produce +6, and }line {what }{ O}{uter and }{ I}{nner terms will produce }endash {5}{i x}{. Some }line {common se}nse and a little trial and error lead you to line {(}{i x}{ }endash { 2)(}{i x}{ }endash { 3).par }} ed255green255lue0 ed255green255lue255 ed0green0lue128 ed0green128lue128 ed0green128lue0 ed128green0lue128 ed128green0lue0 ed128green128lue0 ed128green128lue128 ed192green192lue192 }pardplain x1800 f5 {To find the least common multiple of 12 and 15, start }line {by taking the multiples of 15: 15 is not divisible by 12 }line {30}'{s not nor is 45. But the next multiple of 15, 60, is }line {divisible by 12, so it}'{s the LCM. par }}