- unable to initialize heap - unable to open console device Memory check error at 0x%08X = 0x%02X, should be 0x%02X. Runtime error ed192green192lue192 }pardplain f5 { Idiom}{par }An { idiom} is an expression or a way of saying things that quote s line correct simply because that{ quote }s the accepted way that it{ quote }s said. {par }The error is usually that the wrong preposition is being line used:{par }pardplain li360f33 {f5 Carmen watched a talk show about matricide that caused line her to become }{f5 concerned in}{f5 her young son}{f5 quote }{f5 s attraction line to sharp objects.}{f5par }pardplain f5 { Concerned in} is not idiomatic you have to say { concerned line about} or { concerned with}:{par }pardplain li360f33 {f5 Carmen watched a talk show about matricide that caused line her to become }{f5 concerned about}{f5 her young son}{f5 quote }{f5 s line attraction to sharp objects.}{f5par }pardplain f5 There are so many idioms, and so many different ways that line they can be misused that we can{ quote }t list them all. Let your ear line for language, especially if you{ quote }re a native English speaker, line guide you.{par }}