
FFmpeg Project

FFmpeg utility library

32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
736.2 Kb
Download size
299 Kb
Argument domain error (DOMAIN)

Error creating a CUDA context

Error creating an internal frame pool

Error downloading the surface

Error getting a surface description

Error initializing a child device context

Error initializing a child frames context

Error initializing an MFX session: %d.

Error initializing an internal session

Error loading external lib: %s

Error number %d occurred

Error occurred in CreateFileMapping()

Error occurred in MapViewOfFile()

Error occurred in fstat(): %s

Error opening the internal VPP session.Surface upload/download will not be possible

Error querying an MFX session: %d.

Error querying the session attributes

Error setting child device handle: %d

Error setting current CUDA context

Error setting option %s to value %s.

Error synchronizing the operation

Error synchronizing the operation: %d

Error transferring the data from the CUDA frame

Error uploading the surface

Generic error in an external library

Overflow range error (OVERFLOW)

Server returned 5XX Server Error reply

Unable to lock D3D11VA surface (%lx)

Unable to lock DXVA2 surface

Unable to parse '%s': %s

Unable to parse option value %s

Unable to parse option value %s as %s

Unable to parse option value %s as boolean

Unable to parse option value %s as channel layout

Unable to parse option value %s as color

Unable to parse option value %s as duration

Unable to parse option value %s as image size

Unable to parse option value %s as video rate

Unable to parse timecode,

 syntax: hh:mm:ss[:


Unknown error occurred

Win32 Error 0x%x

Last update: 16/05/2024