Add Adapter IP(proc=%s:LspDispatchIo returned Immediate error %d Detach Process: WireLess Enable set, disable Error encountered on SetSockOpt = 0x%x Fwrd Path reported Error & no Reads found on Offload Path ErrorNo=%d Mixed=0x%x IPAddr zero enable Possible Renew Initial MilliSecond Start Time=0x%x Internal Bigfoot app. %s, enable offload Socket Error detected ret=%d Errno=%d Socket SID=0x%x has an Exception error detected and Offload Enabled Unable to allocate an IP_Adapter_Info buf, sz=%d err=%d Unable to allocate an LQB buffer, to set Ip Address WSPSelect(): Forwarded call failed with Error rVal=0x%x ErrNo=%d < ==WSPSocket: Error on exit - unable to initialize heap - unable to open console device AsyncWndProc: Unable to find socket context for 0x%p GetWorkerWindow: WaitForSingleObject failed: %d! (error = %d) PostSocketOpt: LspDispatchIo returned Immediate error 0x%x Runtime error StopAsyncWindowManager: Unable to retrieve thread exit code: %d Succeeded without error - ASYNCH socket though Succeeded without error - synchronous socket though Unable to enumerate 64-bit Winsock catalog from 32-bit process! WSPBind Error Status: sockH=0x%x LRB_Stat=0x%x, SID=0x%x, Stat=0x%x