?BigUp_AddPackage@@YG_NPBD0PAXI1I_NIH1@Z _BigUp_CalcContentSign@8 _BigUp_Finish@0 _BigUp_GetActiveTorrents@0 _BigUp_GetLastErrorCode@0 _BigUp_GetLastErrorWhat@0 _BigUp_GetNetworkParams@4 _BigUp_GetPackagesInfo@0 _BigUp_GetPeerInfos@4 _BigUp_GetVersion@0 _BigUp_GetVersionString@0 _BigUp_ProcessMessages@0 _BigUp_RemovePackage@4 _BigUp_SetMirrors@4 _BigUp_SetNetworkParams@4 _BigUp_SetPackagePriority@8 _BigUp_Start@4
Error on receiving reply: %s Error while adding port map, code: %u Error while adding port map: %s Error while adding port map: incomplete http message Error while deleting portmap: %s Error while deleting portmap: incomplete http message Error while fetching control url from: %s: %s Error while fetching control url from: %s: incomplete HTTP message Error while getting external IP address, code: %u Error while getting external IP address: %s Error while getting external IP address: incomplete http message Error while inflating data Not authorized to create port map (enable NAT-PMP on your router) UPnP mapping error Unable to add torrent Unable to verify encryption constant