DllCanUnloadNow DllGetClassObject DllRegisterServer DllUnregisterServer
Error %#08x occurred while trying to query ClusDisk status. Throwing an exception. Error %#08x returned from GetClusterNodeId() trying to get the node id of this node. Error concatenating domain name, hr = %1!#08x! N[BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to create the cluster hive. Throwing an exception. N[BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to grant the cluster service account rights. Throwing an exception. N[BC] THIS COMPUTER MAY BE IN AN INVALID STATE. An error has occurred during rollback. Rollback will be aborted. N[BC] The local quorum directory '%s' cannot be removed. Non-fatal error %#08x occurred. N[PC] An error occurred trying to return the resource type name. N[PC] Error %#08x. Find next file failed for '%ws'. [AEC] Error %#08x occurred trying to create a call object. [AEC] Error %#08x occurred trying to create type information for the IDispatch interface. [AEC] Error %#08x occurred trying to finish cleanup on evicted node. [AEC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get a pointer to the call factory. [AEC] Error %#08x occurred trying to initiate cleanup on evicted node. [AEC] Error %#08x occurred trying to instantiate the evict processing component on the evicted node. [BC-ClusDB-Cleanup] Error %#08x occurred trying to evict this node from the sponsor cluster. [BC-ClusDB-Cleanup] Error %#08x occurred trying to open a cluster handle to the local node with the '%ws' binding string. [BC-ClusDB-Cleanup] Error %#08x occurred trying to open a cluster handle to the sponsor cluster with the '%ws' binding string. [BC-ClusDB-Cleanup] Error %#08x occurred trying to remove this node from the sponsor cluster database. Throwing exception. [BC-ClusDB-Create] Error %#08x from ClRtlSetObjSecurityInfo(). [BC-ClusDB-Create] Error %#08x occurred trying to add this node to the sponsor cluster database. Throwing an exception. [BC-ClusDB-Create] Error %#08x occurred trying to create the cluster database file. Throwing an exception. [BC-ClusDB-Create] Error %#08x occurred trying to get the node id of this node. Throwing an exception. [BC-ClusDB-Create] Error %#08x occurred trying to open a cluster handle to the local node with the '%ws' binding string. [BC-ClusDB-Create] Error %#08x occurred trying to open a cluster handle to the sponsor cluster with the '%ws' binding string. [BC-ClusDB-Create] Error %#08x occurred while trying to create the local quorum directory. Throwing an exception. [BC-ClusDB-Create] Error %#08x returned from GetClusterNodeId() trying to get the required length of the node id buffer. [BC-ClusDB-Create] Error %#08x returned from JoinAddNode4. Sponser must be Windows 2000. [BC-ClusDB-Create] Error %#08x returned from JoinAddNodeN. [BC-ClusDB-Create] Error %#08x trying to create directory '%ws' [BC-ClusDB-Create] The local quorum directory '%s' already exists, but error %#08x occurred trying to remove it. [BC-ClusDB-Synchronize] Error %#08x occurred trying to suck the database down from the sponsor cluster. [BC-ClusDB-Synchronize] Error %#08x occurred trying to synchronize the cluster database with the sponsor cluster. Throwing an exception. [BC] !!! WARNING !!! Error %#08x occurred trying to revert to previous impersonation. Cannot throw exception from destructor. Application may not run properly. [BC] !!! WARNING !!! Error %#08x occurred trying to revert to self. Cannot throw exception from destructor. Application may not run properly. [BC] A memory allocation error occurred (%d bytes) trying to grant account rights. [BC] A memory allocation error occurred trying to configure the cluster service account (%d bytes). Throwing an exception [BC] An error has occurred. The performed actions will be rolled back. [BC] An error occurred (0x%#08x) trying to get a pointer to the callback interface. No notifications will be sent. [BC] An error occurred trying enumerate resources in the sponsor cluster. [BC] An exception has occurred in file '%s', line %d. Error code is %#08x. [BC] An unexpected error has occurred trying to complete pending status messages. It will not be propagated. [BC] An unexpected error has occurred trying to send a progress notification. It will not be propagated. [BC] Attempting to start the '%s' service. [BC] Could not acquire configuration lock. Error %#08x. Aborting (throwing an exception). [BC] Could not associate the directory '%ws' with the id %#x. Error %#08x. Cannot proceed (throwing an exception). [BC] Could not disable the ClusDisk service. Error %#08x. Throwing an exception. [BC] Could not enable the ClusDisk service. Error %#08x. Throwing an exception. [BC] Could not open INF file '%s'. Error code = %#08x. Error line = %d. Cannot proceed (throwing an exception). [BC] Error %#08x from DeviceIoControl() getting signature list. [BC] Error %#08x from RegEnumKeyEx(). Index = %d. [BC] Error %#08x from RegQueryInfoKeyW() querying the number of signatures. [BC] Error %#08x from UuidCreate(). [BC] Error %#08x from UuidToString(). [BC] Error %#08x getting private properties. [BC] Error %#08x getting size of required buffer for private properties. [BC] Error %#08x getting the Administrators group name. [BC] Error %#08x getting thread token information. [BC] Error %#08x has occurred trying to stop the '%s' service. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred adding the cluster service account to the Administrators group. [BC] Error %#08x occurred impersonating the logged on user. [BC] Error %#08x occurred opening the thread token.. [BC] Error %#08x occurred removing the cluster service account from the Administrators group. [BC] Error %#08x occurred renaming a key to '%ws' ) [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying attach ClusDisk to a disk. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying configure the ClusSvc service. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying detach ClusDisk from all the disks. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying get a handle to the SCM. Cannot proceed (throwing an exception). [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying get the BUILTIN Administrators group SID. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying initialize the ClusDisk service state. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying set %s event security. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to add the signature to the signature array. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to attach to the disks in the sponsor cluster. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to change membership in administrators group. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to compose the security descriptor for the cluster hive. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to connect to the sponsor cluster for an interoperability check with binding string {%ws}. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to convert the cluster name '%ls' to a NetBIOS name. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to detach ClusDisk from a disk. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to determine if version checking is enabled on the '%ws' node with the '%ws' binding string. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to enable privilege '%ws'. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to enable the privilege. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to enumerate the cluster service account rights. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get a handle to the extrocluster join interface. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get a token for the '%ws\%ws' account. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get a token for the account. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get cluster installation state. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get free disk space. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get information about the administrators group. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get the name of this computer. Configuration cannot proceed (throwing an exception). [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get the value of the '%ws' property from the private property list. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to impersonate a user. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to initialize the UUID. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to lookup privilege value. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to obtain the discretionary ACL from the cluster security descriptor. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to obtain the primary domain of this computer. Cannot proceed (throwing an exception). [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to open a cluster handle to the sponsor cluster with the '%ws' binding string. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to open a handle to the ClusDisk service. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to open the '%s' service. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to open the LSA Policy. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to open the process token. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to open the thread token. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to remove the granted cluster service account rights. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to restore privilege. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to set the cluster hive security. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to start the '%s' service. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to stop the '%s' service. [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to validate the cluster service account. Cannot proceed (throwing an exception). [BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to verify if this node can interoperate with the sponsor cluster. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred while trying to cleanup the cluster database. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred while trying to migrate the Winsock Configuration. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred while trying to open the '%s' service. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred while trying to populate the cluster hive. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred while trying to query service status. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x occurred while trying to query the initial state of the '%s' service. [BC] Error %#08x occurred while trying to query the state of the '%s' service. [BC] Error %#08x occurred while trying to start the '%s' service. [BC] Error %#08x occurred while trying to unload the cluster hive. [BC] Error %#08x opening the '%ws' service. [BC] Error %#08x querying for the required buffer size to get the name of the Administrators group. [BC] Error %#08x returned from ClRtlBuildDefaultClusterSD(). [BC] Error %#08x returned from SetupInstallFromInfSection while trying to populate the cluster hive. [BC] Error %#08x returned from SetupInstallFromInfSection() while trying to clean up the '%s' service. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x returned from SetupInstallFromInfSection() while trying to clean up the cluster database files. [BC] Error %#08x returned from SetupInstallFromInfSection() while trying to create the '%s' service. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x returned from SetupInstallFromInfSection() while trying to make miscellaneous changes to the node. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x setting the failure actions of the cluster service. [BC] Error %#08x setting the service account information. Account = '%ws'. [BC] Error %#08x trying to get a handle to the ClusDisk device. [BC] Error %#08x was returned from SetupInstallFromInfSection() while trying to clean up miscellaneous changes. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error %#08x when converting the uuid of the Cluster Instance ID to a string. [BC] Error %#08x when creating a Uuid for the Cluster Instance ID. [BC] Error 0x%#08x has occurred - no more status messages will be sent. [BC] Error 0x%#08x occurred trying send a status message. Throwing an exception. [BC] Error 0x%#08x occurred trying to set the thread locale. [BC] Error allocating %d bytes required for the longest signature key name. [BC] GetProcAddress() retured error %#08x trying to get the address of 'WSHGetWinsockMapping'. Throwing an exception. [BC] GetProcAddress() retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception. [BC] LoadLibrary( 'NtDll.dll' ) retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception. [BC] LoadLibrary() retured error %#08x trying to load '%s'. Aborting (throwing an exception). [BC] LookupAccountNameW() failed with error %#08x while attempting to get the cluster account SID. [BC] LookupAccountNameW() failed with error %#08x while querying for required buffer size. [BC] MultiByteToWideChar failed with error %#08x . [BC] NtLoadKey2 returned error code %#08x. [BC] RegCreateKeyExW( '%ws' ) retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception. [BC] RegDeleteValueW( '%s' ) retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception. [BC] RegOpenKeyExW( '%ws' ) retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception. [BC] RegQueryValueExW( '%ws' ) retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception. [BC] RegSetValueExW( '%s' ) retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception. [BC] RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName failed. Returning %#08x as the error code. [BC] Semaphore '%ws' could not be created. Error %#08x. Cannot proceed (throwing an exception). [BC] The service has returned error %#08x to query service status more than 3 times. Throwing an exception. [BC] The service has returned error %#08x to query service status. Throwing an exception. [BC] g_GenericSetupQueueCallback() => Error %#08x has occurred while deleting the '%s' file. Aborting. [EN] Error %#08x occurred trying enumerate evict listener components. [EN] Error %#08x occurred trying to create a cluster evict listener component. [EN] Error %#08x occurred trying to get a pointer to the enumerator of the CATID_ClusCfgEvictListeners category. [EN] Error %#08x occurred trying to initialize the listener component. [EN] Error %#08x occurred trying to notify a cluster evict listener. [EN] Error %#08x occurred trying to notify cluster evict listeners. [EN] Error %#08x occurred trying to process a cluster evict listener. Other listeners will be processed. [EN] Error %#08x occurred trying to query for IClusCfgInitialize on the listener component. [PC-PostCfg] An error occurred trying to enumerate local quorum resources (sc=%#08x). [PC] An error occurred trying to allocate %d bytes of memory. [PC] An error occurred trying to allocate memory for %d characters. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying open the registry key where the cluster install path is stored. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to commit resource type '%s'. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to configure the admin extensions for resource type '%ws'. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to configure the admin extensions for the resource type '%s'. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to configure the resource type. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to create a cluster notification port. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to create resource type '%s'. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to create resource type '%ws'. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to delete the Local Quorum resource. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to delete the dirctory '%s'. This is not a fatal error. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to delete the share '%s'. This is not a fatal error. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to deregister this component from any more cluster startup notifications. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to find out commit changes mode of the cluster. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to find out the commit mode. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get information about the cluster. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get the resource type display name. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get the status report text. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get the string version of an extension class id. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to open a handle to the cluster. Resource type creation cannot proceed. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to read the registry value '%s'. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to register for cluster notifications. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to send a status report. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying to take the Local Quorum resource offline. [PC] Error %#08x occurred trying wait for a resource state change notification. [PC] Error %#08x. Find first file failed for '%ws'. [SN] Error %#08x occurred trying enumerate startup listener components. [SN] Error %#08x occurred trying to create a cluster startup listener component. [SN] Error %#08x occurred trying to create an event named '%s'. [SN] Error %#08x occurred trying to create the resource type services component. [SN] Error %#08x occurred trying to get a pointer to the enumerator of the CATID_ClusCfgStartupListeners category. [SN] Error %#08x occurred trying to initialize the listener component. [SN] Error %#08x occurred trying to notify a cluster startup listener. [SN] Error %#08x occurred trying to notify cluster startup listeners. [SN] Error %#08x occurred trying to process a cluster startup listener. Other listeners will be processed. [SN] Error %#08x occurred trying to query for IClusCfgInitialize on the listener component. [SN] Error %#08x occurred trying to wait for an event to be signaled. [SRV] An error occurred trying to wait for our lock to be granted. Status code is %#08x. [SRV] Error %#08x occurred during the post configuration step of cleanup. [SRV] Error %#08x occurred initiating cleanup of the base cluster. [SRV] Error %#08x occurred trying to cleanup the base cluster. [SRV] Error %#08x occurred trying to create the cleanup lock. [SRV] Error %#08x occurred trying to determine the installation state of this node. [SRV] Error %#08x occurred trying to open a registry key to set a value indicating that this node has been evicted. [SRV] Error %#08x occurred trying to pulse the cleanup completion event. This is not a fatal error. [SRV] Error %#08x occurred trying to set a registry value indicating that this node has been evicted. [SRV] Error %#08x occurred trying to wait for our lock to be granted. [WIZ] Error inserting status report into the tree control. hr=%.08x, %ws