CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage Module_Init_Cmi Module_Init_SkuAssembly
CBS_ReqireFileMapAcls:Error 0x%08lx setting security on directory %s CBS_ReqireFileMapAcls:Error 0x%08lx setting security on file %s CBS_RewireFileMapAcls:Error 0x%08lx parsing getting directory acl CBS_Rewire_FileMapAcls:An error occurred trying to get the file maps dir, 0x%08lx CallBack_ApplyFoundationStoreAcls: Could not set acls on %s, error 0x%08lx CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: Error allocating ServerCore edition ID: [%sCore], hr = 0x%x CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage: Error building package path [%s\%s] GLE = %d CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage:An error occurred while configuring the Windows foundation image. GLE is [0x%X] CallBack_ConfigureWindowsFoundationImage:Update file [%s] does not exist. Error code is [0x%X] CallBack_LanguagePack_Install: Error determining if running a cross-architecture install. hr=[0x%X] Callback_CMI_ConfigInstall::Could not start CMI logging 0x%08lx Callback_CMI_ConfigInstall:An error occurred trying to launch secinit.exe GLE is [0x%X]. Callback_CMI_ConfigInstall:COM error (0x%08lx)