D3D10CompileEffectFromMemory D3D10CompileShader D3D10CreateBlob D3D10CreateDevice D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain D3D10CreateEffectFromMemory D3D10CreateEffectPoolFromMemory D3D10CreateStateBlock D3D10DisassembleEffect D3D10DisassembleShader D3D10GetGeometryShaderProfile D3D10GetInputAndOutputSignatureBlob D3D10GetInputSignatureBlob D3D10GetOutputSignatureBlob D3D10GetPixelShaderProfile D3D10GetShaderDebugInfo D3D10GetVersion D3D10GetVertexShaderProfile D3D10PreprocessShader D3D10ReflectShader D3D10RegisterLayers D3D10StateBlockMaskDifference D3D10StateBlockMaskDisableAll D3D10StateBlockMaskDisableCapture D3D10StateBlockMaskEnableAll D3D10StateBlockMaskEnableCapture D3D10StateBlockMaskGetSetting D3D10StateBlockMaskIntersect D3D10StateBlockMaskUnion
Error X%u: Error creating error string ID3D10Effect::Load - failed to create GeometryShader with StreamOutput decl %s - please check D3D error log Internal error: unable to emit attribute parameters Maximum boolean register index exceeded - Try reducing number of constant branches, take bools out of structs/arrays or move them to the start of the struct Maximum iterator register index exceeded - Try reducing number of loops, take loop counters out of structs/arrays or move them to the start of the struct RangeStart == (UINT16)RangeStart & & RangeLength == (UINT16)RangeLength Syntax error : unexpected %s There was an error compiling HLSL shader variable There was an error compiling expression There was an unexpected error in the parse tree Unable to create warning string Unable to unroll loop, loop does not appear to terminate in a timely manner (%d iterations)