< xsl:value-of select='substring( , -start, string-length( substring-before( , %Unable to browse for cluster objects. & Unable to browse for computer objects. > Unable to locate the cluster service executable on node '{0}'. *Unable to retrieve OS version information. -A WMI query failed to execute. The error is: -Unable to get the WINDIR environment variable .Unable to select a quorum partition for '{0}'. 0Unable to retrieve system information for '{0}'. 2An error occurred rendering the report file '{0}'. 2Unable to determine what domain the cluster is in. 3Unable to search the Active Directory for clusters. 5An error was encountered while generating the report. 5Unable to select a quorum disk for the cluster '{0}'. 7Configuring storage resource for disk error checking... 9An error occurred while rendering the report for display. :Unable to determine whether '{0}' is a valid disk witness. =Preparing remote connection to execute disk error checking... =There was an error checking for virtual machine compatibility ?An error occurred while processing the validation report '{0}'. @An error was encountered while attempting to display the report. AAn error occurred while saving the settings for '{1}' from '{0}'. AConfiguring Cluster Shared Volume for read only error checking... CThe encoded string doesn't have a valid link start marker of '{0}'. Div.error { EAn error occurred while retrieving the settings for '{1}' from '{0}'. EUnable to determine if the computer '{0}' exists in the domain '{1}'. GThere was an error testing virtual machine compatibility on node '{0}'. HThere was a problem updating your active directory object access control list (ACL). Error code 0x{0:x}. IThere was an error checking for virtual machine compatibility on the current host node '{0}': IUnable to connect to {0} via WMI. This may be due to networking issues or firewall configuration on {0}. LAn error was encountered determining the operating system version using WMI. NAn error occurred while attempting to find the validation report on the nodes. PThere was an error checking for virtual machine compatibility on the target node QWizardGuide: Unable to find target page in navigation list at direction specified RAn error occurred while determining if you have administrator privileges on '{0}'. RThere was an error checking for virtual machine compatibility on the hosting node. RUnable to determine which drive letters are in use because the node '{0}' is down. These changes may cause currently connected administrative clients to temporarily lose their connection to this cluster. You will also need to manually restart all cluster nodes. Are you sure you wish to proceed? This change will require administrative clients to update the name used to connect to this cluster. You will also need to manually restart all cluster nodes. Are you sure you wish to proceed? This change will require clients to update the name used to connect to this service or application. You will also need to manually restart any service/application that depends on this resource. Are you sure you wish to proceed? Unable to determine if you have administrator privileges on server '{0}'. Please ensure sure that the server service and remote registry services are enabled, and that the firewall is properly configured for remote access. Unable to successfully cleanup.