8The selection does not contain enough samples to filter..There was an error reading data from the file.,There was an error writing data to the file.BAn internal error occured while filtering the selected data (OOT).6There was an error seeking (read) to data in the file.7There was an error seeking (write) to data in the file.2The selection contains too many samples to filter.=There is not enough memory available to filter the selection.BAn internal error occured while filtering the selected data (UAT).BAn internal error occured while filtering the selected data (BCS).1The specified frequencies are too close together.CAn internal error occured while filtering the selected data (MISC). Run-time error TAn internal error occured while filtering the selected data (Negative Discriminant).PAn internal error occured while filtering the selected data (Coefficient Error).< The specified filter cannot be designed (bad filter length).0The specified filter cannot be designed (Remez).EWarning: Output saturation occured while filtering the selected data.JWarning: Accumulator saturation occured while filtering the selected data.6The filter length is too big for the available buffer.