(error code %d)
(error code = %d)
CreateThread() (error code = %d)
Error trying to get device name (device %i mmr=%i)
FileDuration: Error calling InitCompressedReading
FileDuration: Error init wave reading
FileDuration: Error retreiving PCM file size (16 kHz)
FileDuration: Error retreiving PCM file size (8 kHz)
error = MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, trying to close
error trying to get device name (device %i mmr=%i)
failed to enable performance counters
failed to start the audio thread
unable to detect supported Windows platform
waveInAddBuffer[%d] failed on start (result =%d)
waveInClose() (error code = MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE)
waveInClose() (error code = MMSYSERR_NODRIVER)
waveInClose() (error code = WAVERR_STILLPLAYING)
waveInClose() failed (error code %d)
waveInOpen() failed (error code %d)
waveInReset() (error code = MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE)
waveInReset() (error code = MMSYSERR_NODRIVER)
waveInReset() failed (error code %d)
waveInStart failed (result=%d)
waveInStop() (error code = MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE)
waveInStop() (error code = MMSYSERR_NODRIVER)
waveInStop() failed (error code %d)
waveInUnprepareHeader() [%i] failed (error code = %i)
waveInUnprepareHeader() [%i] failed (error code = WAVERR_STILLPLAYING)
Invalid input argument =>
_lastError = %d
Not playing =>
_lastError = %d
SetWaveOutLevel failed (error code = %d)
SetWaveOutLevel failed (error code = MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE)
SetWaveOutLevel failed (error code = MMSYSERR_NODRIVER)
SetWaveOutLevel failed (error code = MMSYSERR_NOMEM)
SetWaveOutLevel failed (error code = MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED)
Unable to execute in candidate directory.
VoiceEngine has not been initialized yet =>
_lastError = %d
failed to deregister the specified codec =>
_lastError = %d
mixerGetID (error code = %d)
mixerSetControlDetails() failed (error code %d)
waveInAddBuffer [%d] (error code = MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE)
waveInAddBuffer [%d] (error code = MMSYSERR_NODRIVER)
waveInAddBuffer [%d] (error code = MMSYSERR_NOMEM)
waveInAddBuffer [%d] (error code = WAVERR_UNPREPARED)
waveInClose (error code = %d)
waveOutGetVolume failed (error code = %d)
waveOutGetVolume failed (error code = MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE)
waveOutGetVolume failed (error code = MMSYSERR_NODRIVER)
waveOutGetVolume failed (error code = MMSYSERR_NOMEM)
waveOutGetVolume failed (error code = MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED)
waveOutWrite (error code = MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE)
waveOutWrite (error code = MMSYSERR_NODRIVER)
waveOutWrite (error code = MMSYSERR_NOMEM)
waveOutWrite (error code = WAVERR_STILLPLAYING)
waveOutWrite (error code = WAVERR_UNPREPARED)
BWE_GIPS_init() failed with error code %d
Error driving telephone event transmission during CN (2) (time=%u)
Error driving telephone event transmission during CN (time=%u)
Error getting process name for creating registry key: %d
Error getting version
Error transmitting CN packet (PT=%d, time=%u) of size %i bytes
NetEQ::resetCodecDb Error adding AVT to NetEq codec DB (%d)
NetEQ::resetCodecDb Error adding CN WB to NetEq codec DB (%d)
NetEQ::resetCodecDb Error adding CN to NetEq codec DB (%d)
NetEQ::resetCodecDb Error adding RED to NetEq codec DB (%d)
waveInUnprepareHeader() [%i] failed (error code = %i)
waveInUnprepareHeader() [%i] failed (error code = WAVERR_STILLPLAYING)
%s is not allowed as sending codec =>
_lastError = %d
AES mode %d is not supported =>
_lastError = %d
AGC mode %d is not supported =>
_lastError = %d
Already playing =>
_lastError = %d
Already sending =>
_lastError = %d
Cannot access microphone =>
_lastError = %d)
Cannot access speaker =>
_lastError = %d)
Cannot enable when _playing =>
_lastError = %d
Cannot enable when sending =>
_lastError = %d
Cannot get speech output level (%d) =>
_lastError = %d)
Cannot set CN payload type while sending =>
_lastError = %d
Cannot set devices =>
_lastError = %d
Cannot set devices when soundcard is grabbed (%d, %d) =>
_lastError = %d
Cannot set mic volume =>
_lastError = %d)
Cannot set soundcard object when playing =>
_lastError = %d
Cannot set soundcard object when sending =>
_lastError = %d
Cannot set speaker volume =>
_lastError = %d)
Compressed to PCM file conversion failed =>
_lastError = %d
Conferencing mode %d is not supported =>
_lastError = %d
Could not create NetEQ object =>
_lastError = %i
Could not get NetEQ statistics =>
_lastError = %i
Could not get VAD mode =>
_lastError = %d
Could not get buffer size =>
_lastError = %i
Could not get play data =>
_lastError = %d
Could not get reset statistics =>
_lastError = %i
Could not get wave volume =>
_lastError = %d
Could not send =>
_lastError = %d
Could not send DTMF =>
_lastError = %d
Could not set wave volume =>
_lastError = %d
EC mode %d is not supported =>
_lastError = %d
Encryption not initialized =>
_lastError = %d
Error getting Network statistics from NetEq (%d)
Error getting jitter statistics from NetEq (%d)
Error getting preferred buffer size from NetEq (%d)
Error resetting NetEq jitter statistics (%d)
Error when calling GIPS_ResamplerTo16
External playout not enabled =>
_lastError = %d
External recording not enabled =>
_lastError = %d
External transport not enabled =>
_lastError = %d
Failed to disable SRTP =>
_lastError = %d
Failed to disable SRTP decryption =>
_lastError = %d
Failed to enable SRTP decryption =>
_lastError = %d
Failed to enable SRTP encryption =>
_lastError = %d
GIPSVEBase does not exist =>
_lastError = %d
GIPSVEBaseImpl::initRecSide call failed =>
error code = %d)
GIPSVECallReport does not exist =>
_lastError = %d
GIPSVECodec does not exist =>
_lastError = %d
GIPSVEDTMF does not exist =>
_lastError = %d
GIPSVEEncryption does not exist =>
_lastError = %d
GIPSVEExternalMedia does not exist =>
_lastError = %d
GIPSVEFile does not exist =>
_lastError = %d
GIPSVEHardware does not exist =>
_lastError = %d
GIPSVENetEqStats does not exist =>
_lastError = %d
GIPSVENetwork does not exist =>
_lastError = %d
GIPSVEPTT does not exist =>
_lastError = %d
GIPSVERTP_RTCP does not exist =>
_lastError = %d
GIPSVEVQE does not exist =>
_lastError = %d
GIPSVEVideoSync does not exist =>
_lastError = %d
GIPSVEVolumeControl does not exist =>
_lastError = %d
_lastError = %d
_lastError = %d
GIPSVE_StartSend() (error code = %d)
GIPSVQE_GetEchoMetrics() =>
error = %d
GIPSVQE_GetLevelMetrics() =>
error = %d
Init playback failed =>
_lastError = %d
Init recording failed =>
_lastError = %d
Invalid auth key or tag length =>
_lastError = %d
Invalid cipher key length =>
_lastError = %d
Invalid index (%d, max %d / %d, max %d) =>
_lastError = %d
Invalid index (<
-1) =>
_lastError = %d
Invalid input argument =>
_lastError = %d
Invalid operation (sending=%d, listening=%d, socket transport=%d, ext trans=%d) =>
_lastError = %d
Invalid packet length =>
_lastError = %d
Invalid timeoutSeconds value =>
_lastError = %d
Invalid type =>
_lastError = %d
NETEQFIX_GIPS_GSMAMR is not defined =>
NETEQ_GIPS_10MS16B_RecIn() error code = %d
NETEQ_GIPS_Assign() failed (error code = %d)
NETEQ_GIPS_AssignBuffer() failed (error code = %d)
NETEQ_GIPS_GetRecommemdedBufferSize() failed (error code = %d)
NETEQ_GIPS_RecInRTPStruct() failed with error code %i (PT=%d, channel=%d)
NULL pointer as input =>
_lastError = %d
NULL pointer as input argument =>
_lastError = %d
NULL pointer when enabling =>
_lastError = %d
NetEQ does not exist for channel %d =>
_lastError = %d
NetEQ doesn't exist for this channel =>
_lastError = %d
NetEQ not created =>
_lastError = %d
NetEQ was not created =>
_lastError = %d
NetEq RecIn failed with error code %i (channel=%d)
No support for controlling sound device =>
_lastError = %d
No support for get sndcard sampling rate =>
_lastError = %d
No support for resetting sound device =>
_lastError = %d
No support for set sndcard sampling rate =>
_lastError = %d
Not sending =>
_lastError = %d
Not sending on this channel =>
_lastError = %d
Only supported on Linux =>
_lastError = %d)
Output: enable = %d, directFeedback = %d
PCM to WAV file conversion failed =>
_lastError = %d
PCM16: invalid codec.plname (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
RTCP port (%d) is not in a valid range [%d,%d] =>
_lastError = %d
RTP keepalive transmission will not start until sending has stopped
RTP packet is too long (max size is 808 bytes) =>
_lastError = %d
RTP port (%d) is not in a valid range [%d,%d] =>
_lastError = %d
RTP version not supported =>
_lastError = %d
RTPtransmitter::sendDtmfInband - error putting DTMF tone put in queue (queue is full) (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d)
Soundcard error =>
_lastError = %d
Speex: invalid codec.plname (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
StartListen is ignored since external transport is enabled =>
_lastError = %d
Stereo not enabled or supported =>
_lastError = %d
Stereo not enabled or supported on platform =>
_lastError = %d
Stop playback failed =>
_lastError = %d
Stop recording failed =>
_lastError = %d
Tx_Demux::plauAudioAsMic failed =>
_lastError = %d
Tx_Demux::send(), Error when deciding mix freq in conference
Unknown recording channel (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
VE has not been initialized =>
_lastError = %d
VE has not been initialized yet =>
_lastError = %d
VE is built for external transport only =>
_lastError = %d
VQE error (returnVal = %d)
VQE error (returnVal = %d, msecInSndCardOutBuf = %d)
VoiceEngine has not been initialized yet =>
_lastError = %d
WAV to PCM file conversion failed =>
_lastError = %d
[#1] invalid codec.pacsize (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
[#1] invalid codec.plfreq (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
[#3] invalid codec.pacsize (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
_WIN32_WCE and __SYMBIAN32__ are undefined =>
_lastError = %d
_WIN32_WCE is undefined =>
_lastError = %d
_WIN32_WCE not defined =>
_lastError = %d
active sending codec must be adaptive rate iSAC =>
_lastError = %d
active sending codec must be iSAC =>
_lastError = %d
already _playing =>
_lastError = %d
call is not being recorded =>
_lastError = %d
cannot get device name =>
_lastError = %d
cannot get mic volume (%d) =>
_lastError = %d)
cannot get speech input level (%d) =>
_lastError = %d)
cannot set SSRC while sending =>
_lastError = %d
cannot set max payload size while sending =>
_lastError = %d
cannot set max rate while sending =>
_lastError = %d
channel %d has not been created =>
_lastError = %d
channel not in range (%d - %d) =>
_lastError = %d
codecManager::getSingleCodecInstance Error initializing iSAC instance (dec) (channelID = %d)
codecManager::getSingleCodecInstance Error initializing iSAC instance (enc) (channelID = %d)
error code = %d
error getting system CPU load =>
_lastError = %d
failed to access speakers =>
_lastError = %d
failed to access the microphone =>
_lastError = %d
failed to access the speaker =>
_lastError = %d
failed to add channel %d to the mixer =>
_lastError = %d
failed to create instance objects =>
_lastError = %d
failed to create the BWE =>
_lastError = %d
failed to create the VQE instance =>
_lastError = %d
failed to create the channel state =>
_lastError = %d
failed to find valid channel =>
_lastError = %d
failed to initialize file _playing =>
_lastError = %d
failed to initialize since _playing is active =>
_lastError = %d
failed to initialize since _playing is active on this channel =>
_lastError = %d
failed to initialize the RTP/RTCP module =>
_lastError = %d
failed to register sending payload =>
_lastError = %d
failed to register the specified codec =>
_lastError = %d
failed to remove channel %d from the mixer =>
_lastError = %d
failed to retrieve RTP statistics =>
_lastError = %d
failed to retrieve info about the received codec =>
_lastError = %d
failed to retrieve remote CNAME =>
_lastError = %d
failed to set RTP Keepalive state =>
_lastError = %d
failed to set max payload size =>
_lastError = %d
failed to set max rate =>
_lastError = %d
failed to set the FEC state =>
_lastError = %d
failed to set the RED payload type =>
_lastError = %d
failed to set the codec =>
_lastError = %d
failed to set the initial target rate =>
_lastError = %d
failed to set the observer =>
_lastError = %d
failed to start recording =>
_lastError = %d
failed to start the audio thread =>
_lastError = %d
failed to use the specified channel (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
file name is NULL =>
_lastError = %d
file name null pointer =>
_lastError = %d
initialization failed =>
_lastError = %d
input data vector is NULL =>
_lastError = %d
invalid AES mode (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid AGC mode (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid CNAME parameter =>
_lastError = %d
invalid CSRC array =>
_lastError = %d
invalid EC mode (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid Energy array =>
_lastError = %d
invalid NS mode (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid VAD mode (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid codec index (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid codec.channels (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid codec.plname (%s) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid codec.pltype (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid conferencing mode (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid deltaTransmitTimeSeconds (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid file conversion object handle =>
_lastError = %d
invalid max payload size (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid max rate (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid maxSizeBytes (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid mode parameter (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid parameter AESattn (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid sampleTimeSeconds value =>
_lastError = %d
invalid scaling argument (%5.3f) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid stream handles =>
_lastError = %d
invalid target rate (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid time segment =>
_lastError = %d
invalid unknownPayloadType (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
invalid version handle =>
_lastError = %d
key length (%d) is out of valid range [1,512] =>
_lastError = %d
last_error = VE_SEND_SOCKET_TOS_ERROR =>
transmission can start but without modified TOS field
length must be a multiple of 32 bits =>
_lastError = %d
no RTP packet =>
_lastError = %d
no support for getting CPU load =>
_lastError = %d
no support for getting number of devices (playout=%d, recording=%d) =>
_lastError = %d
no support for getting system CPU load =>
_lastError = %d
reset of VQE failed (error code = %d) =>
_lastError = %d
shortest play interval is 10 msec =>
_lastError = %d
source port (%d) is not in a valid range [%d,%d] =>
_lastError = %d
start point is larger than the file duration (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
start point must be less than stop point =>
_lastError = %d
start recording call failed =>
_lastError = %d
the BWE instance is invalid =>
_lastError = %d
transmisson of RTCP packet failed =>
_lastError = %d
trecording side is still utilized =>
unable to close down the soundcard recording at this stage
truncated version =>
_lastError = %d
tunable to play out so many channels (max=%d) =>
_lastError =%d
type (%d) is out of range [0,127] =>
_lastError = %d
unable to add energy levels since CSRC is disabled =>
_lastError = %d
unable to change PT since we are already _playing =>
_lastError = %d
unable to create new channel state =>
_lastError = %d
unable to enter PTT mode since play-out test failed =>
_lastError = %d
unable to measure RTT since no RTP packet has been received yet
unable to open the file =>
_lastError = %d
unable to open the specified file =>
_lastError = %d
unable to open the specified input file =>
_lastError = %d
unable to open the specified output file =>
_lastError = %d
unable to prepare for new file opening =>
_lastError = %d
unable to read RTP statistics from the module =>
_lastError = %d
unable to read mode from NetEQ =>
_lastError = %d
unable to read valid echo metrics from the VQE since AEC is disabled =>
_lastError = %d
unable to retrieve RTT values from the RTCP layer
unable to retrieve dead-or-alive values for the specified channel
unable to retrieve echo metrics from the VQE
unable to retrieve echo metrics from the VQE =>
_lastError = %d
unable to retrieve level metrics from the VQE
unable to retrieve noise-level metrics from the VQE =>
_lastError = %d
unable to retrieve payload type for the given codec =>
_lastError = %d
unable to retrieve speech-level metrics from the VQE =>
_lastError = %d
unable to retrieve the VQE metrics state =>
_lastError = %d
unable to set PCMU as default codec =>
_lastError = %d
unable to set new NS mode (mode=%d) =>
_lastError = %d
unable to set the VQE metrics state =>
_lastError = %d
unable to set the specified BGN mode (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
unable to set the specified playout mode (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
unable to start recording =>
_lastError = %d
unable to start the module processing thread
unable to stop recording =>
_lastError = %d
unable to transmit since RTCP is disabled =>
_lastError = %d
unable to transmit since sending is inactive =>
_lastError = %d
unble to set send destination while sending =>
_lastError = %d
version is not complete =>
_lastError = %d
VE has not been initialized yet =>
_lastError = %d
cannot get speaker volume (%d) =>
_lastError = %d)
- unable to initialize heap
- unable to open console device
4@ VQE_speaker call error (warning code = %d)
Cannot set sequence number while sending =>
_lastError = %d
Cannot set timestamp while sending =>
_lastError = %d
Codec DLL registration error %08X.
Could not get buffer size =>
_lastError = %d
Could not set minimum delay =>
_lastError = %d
Decompress10ms: Error when calling resampler (iLBC)
Define Restart Interval %u
Division Error var1=%d var2=%d
Division by 0, Fatal error
Error adding %s to NetEq codec DB (%d)
Error initializing DTMF detector
Failed to set iSAC (PT=%d) =>
_lastError = %d
Failed with error code %d
GIPSIlbcEncoder::GIPSIlbcEncoder Error initializing iLBC encoder instance
GIPSIsacEncoder::GIPSIsacEncoder Error initializing iSAC instance (dec)
GIPSIsacEncoder::GIPSIsacEncoder Error initializing iSAC instance (enc)
_lastError = %d
GetPlayoutDevName - waveOutGetDevCaps returned error (%d)
GetRecordingDevName - waveInGetDevCaps returned error (%d)
Illegal fs (%i) =>
_lastError = %d
Loader Error - GoToMeeting
Mixer is not created =>
_lastError = %d
MixerOpen (error code = %d)
Msec_read error (res %d wrapCounter %d)
NetEQ not created =>
_lastError = %d
Output file write error --- out of disk space?
P? (error code %d)
RTCP decryption failed =>
_lastError = %d
RTP decryption failed =>
_lastError = %d
ReadPCM10ms: Error when calling resampler (1)
ReadPCM10ms: Error when calling resampler (2)
ReadWav10ms: Error when calling Resampler
Runtime error
Sending RTCP packet failed (error code = %i)
Soundcard object doesn't exist =>
_lastError = %d
Start Of Frame 0x%02x: width=%u, height=%u, components=%d
Start Of Scan: %d components
Start of Image
Transmission of the RTP packet failed (error code=%d)
Unable to find the selected capture device: %s
Unable to send RTCP packet due to invalid socket
Unable to set reg value %S in %S
Unknown decoding value (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
Unknown encoding value (%d) =>
_lastError = %d
VoE is not initialized =>
_lastError = %d
VoiceEngine has not been initialized yet =>
_lastError = %d
WaveInOpen (error code = %d)
WaveOutOpen (error code = %d)