

Geospatial Data Abstraction Library

32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
6208.5 Kb
Download size
2460.9 Kb

    _fieldAreaStart = %ld



 start angle=%f,


%s: Error fetching directory count

%s: Error fetching directory link

%s: Seek error accessing TIFF directory




Option name='IC' type='string-select' default='NC' description='Compression mode. NC=no compression. C3/M3=JPEG compression. C8=JP2 compression through the JP2ECW driver'>




















Option name='QUALITY' type='int' description='JPEG quality 10-100' default='75'/>


Option name='PROGRESSIVE' type='boolean' description='JPEG progressive mode'/>


Option name='RESTART_INTERVAL' type='int' description='Restart interval (in MCUs). -1 for auto,

 0 for none,


 0 for user specified' default='-1'/>


Option name='NUMI' type='int' default='1' description='Number of images to create (1-999). Only works with IC=NC'/>


Option name='TARGET' type='float' description='For JP2 only. Compression Percentage'/>


Option name='PROFILE' type='string-select' description='For JP2 only.'>
























Option name='ICORDS' type='string-select' description='To ensure that space will be reserved for geographic corner coordinates in DMS (G),

 in decimal degrees (D),

 UTM North (N) or UTM South (S)'>




















Option name='FHDR' type='string-select' description='File version' default='NITF02.10'>












Option name='IREP' type='string' description='Set to RGB/LUT to reserve space for a color table for each output band. (Only needed for Create() method,

 not CreateCopy())'/>


Option name='LUT_SIZE' type='integer' description='Set to control the size of pseudocolor tables for RGB/LUT bands' default='256'/>


Option name='BLOCKXSIZE' type='int' description='Set the block width'/>


Option name='BLOCKYSIZE' type='int' description='Set the block height'/>


Option name='BLOCKSIZE' type='int' description='Set the block with and height. Overridden by BLOCKXSIZE and BLOCKYSIZE'/>

A read error occurred

A write error occurred

Backup to start of multi-byte character.

Block start for block %d is still wrong. Display will be wrong.

Block start for block %d is wrong. Retrying with one extra byte shift...

Bogus block size

 unable to allocate a buffer.

Buffer error in compressed datastream in %s chunk

CPLHTTPFetchMulti(): Unable to create CURL multi-handle.

CPLHTTPInitializeRequest(): Unable to create CURL handle.

CPLSetErrorHandler() called with an error handler on

CSF_INTERNAL_ERROR: unable to close %s at exit

CSLLoad2(%s) failed: unable to open output file.

CSLSave(%s) failed: unable to open output file.

CSLSave(%s) failed: unable to write to output file.

CSLSaveCRLF(%s) failed: unable to open output file.

CSLSaveCRLF(%s) failed: unable to write to output file.

DGNLoadTCB() - unable to find TCB in file.

Data error in compressed datastream in %s chunk

Data product.  Unable to utilize.

Dec_jpeg2000: Unable to open JPEG2000 image within GRIB file.

Decoding error at scanline %lu,


Define Restart Interval %u

DeleteFeature(%ld) failed.  Unable to delete features in tables without

ERROR %d: %s

ERROR (FindSectLen): Couldn't find the end of the message

ERROR (GRIB2Inventory): Couldn't find the end of message

ERROR IS0 has unexpected values: %ld %ld %ld

ERROR IS1 not labeled correctly. %ld

ERROR IS3 not labeled correctly. %ld

ERROR IS4 not labeled correctly. %d

ERROR IS5 not labeled correctly. %ld

ERROR: Unpack library error code (%ld %ld)

Error (%d) opening file %s

Error In call to ParseTime

Error In call to ParseTime in ReadTDLPSect1.

Error In call to ParseTime in TDLP_RefTime.

Error Inconsistant Times in ReadTDLPSect1.

Error Inconsistant Times in TDLP_RefTime.

Error Reserved was not set to 0 in ReadTDLPSect1.

Error Reserved was not set to 0 in ReadTDLPSect2.

Error decoding compressed text

Error diffused

Error during NextFeature()! Message:

Error during reading Geometry.

Error during reading Record.

Error during reading,

 unknown type %s.

Error fetching directory count

Error fetching directory link

Error flushing data before directory write

Error in call to ParseTime from ParseSect1 (GRIB2)

Error in fread() reading object of size %u from .shp file

Error in fseek() reading object from .shp file at offset %u

Error in psSHP->

sHooks.FSeek() while writing object to .shp file.

Error in psSHP->

sHooks.Fwrite() while writing object to .shp file.

Error in the StyleTool String %s

Error in the Type of StyleTool %s should be a BRUSH Type

Error in the Type of StyleTool %s should be a LABEL Type

Error in the Type of StyleTool %s should be a PEN Type

Error in the Type of StyleTool %s should be a SYMBOL Type

Error in the Type of StyleTool,

 Type undetermined

Error in the format of the StyleTool %s

Error in user chunk

Error number %d

Error parsing E00 ARC line: %s

Error parsing E00 CNT line: %s

Error parsing E00 INFO Table Header: number of fields is invalid (expected %d,

 got at least %d)

Error parsing E00 LAB line: %s

Error parsing E00 PAL line: %s

Error parsing E00 RXP line: %s

Error parsing E00 TOL line: %s

Error parsing E00 TX6/TX7 line: %s

Error parsing E00 TXT line: %s

Error parsing E00 Table Definition line: %s

Error parsing E00 Table Record: %s

Error post-encoding before directory write

Error reading %d bytes for line %d at offset %d.

Error reading %d bytes of CEOS record data at offset %d.

Error reading %d bytes of SIRC Convair at offset %d.

Error reading %d bytes of Stokes Convair at offset %d.

Error reading EXIF Directory count at %d.

Error reading L1B record header.

Error reading grid file.

Error reading tiles header

Error reading tiles table

Error sectLen(%d) - lenPL(%d) != 39 in ReadTDLPSect1.

Error seeking or writing new element of %d bytes at %d.

Error unescaping CPLES_URL text,

 percent not followed by two hex digits.

Error unlinking %s.

Error updating TIFF header

Error writing DEM/CDED A record.

Error writing ELAS image data ... likely insufficient disk space.

Error writing SubIFD directory link

Error writing TIFF header

Error writing color table.  Is disk full?

Error writing directory link

Error writing gif file.

Error writing to grid file.

FIT - Unable to parse option PAGESIZE values [%s]

FIT - unable to create file %s.

FIT write - CreateCopy got read error %i

Failure writing block,

 unable to shift file contents.

File %s. Unable to allocate offset table.

File lacks VQ LUTs,

 unable to decode imagery.

File read error while reading header in sgidataset.cpp

File read error while reading row lengths in sgidataset.cpp

File read error while reading start positions in sgidataset.cpp

GDALRasterBand::Fill(): Error while retrieving cache block.

GDALWMS: Unable to download block %d,


GDALWMS: Unable to open downloaded block.

GIF-LIB undefined error %d.

Geoconcept config syntax error at line %ld.

Geoconcept export syntax error at line %ld.

GetNextFeatureId() failed: unable to set read pointer to feature id %d

Golden Software ASCII Grid only supports Byte,



 and Float32 datatypes.  Unable to create with type %s.

GotoByteInBlock(): Attempt to go before start of data block.

GotoByteInFile(): Attempt to go before start of file.

GridOffsets values - unable to process WCS coverage.

Header read error on %s.

I/O Error writing IGEOLO segment.

IN argument doesn't start with '('.

IO error during reading of %s

IO error during reading of %s

 tag ignored

IO error writing %s.

IO error writing directory

IO error writing tag data

Internal Error : null datasource handler.

Internal error in CreateKernelMask(%s).

Invalid SRS identifier. Geoconcept export syntax error at line %ld.

Invalid TOC file. Unable to seek to boundaryRectangleSectionSubHeaderPhysIndex at offset %d.

Invalid TOC file. Unable to seek to boundaryRectangleTablePhysIndex at offset %d.

Invalid TOC file. Unable to seek to frameFileIndexSectionSubHeaderPhysIndex at offset %d.

Invalid TOC file. Unable to seek to frameFileIndexSubsectionPhysIndex + offsetFrameFilePathName(%d) at offset %d.

Invalid TOC file. Unable to seek to frameFileIndexSubsectionPhysIndex(%d) at offset %d.

Invalid TOC file. Unable to seek to locationSectionPhysicalLocation at offset %d.

Invalid TimeZone. Geoconcept export syntax error at line %ld.

It's an error to set both read_data_fn and write_data_fn in the 

JPEG block doesn't start at expected offset

JPEG data stream at offset %d from start of data segement,


Json_tokener_parse_ex: error %s at offset %d

Libpng error no. %s: %s

Low level read error occured while reading NTF file.

MatrixInvert(): ERROR - memory allocation failed.

Mixing Ratio Error Estimate

MySQL error message:%s Description: %s

No seed file provided,

 and unable to find seed_2d.dgn.

Output file write error --- out of disk space?

PCRaster driver: Error reading from source raster

PCRaster driver: Unable to create raster %s

PQclear() on an error condition

Parse error Section 0

Parse error Section 1

Parse error Section 2 : Unknown Data type

Parse error Section 2 : Weather Data

Parse error Section 3

Parse error Section 4

Parse error Section 5

Parse error at EOF,

 not all elements have been closed,

Parse error at line %d,

 unexpected token:%.500s

Parse error in DOCTYPE on or before line %d,

 reached end of file without '>


Parse error in DOCTYPE on or before line %d,

 reached end of file without ']'.

Parse error on line %d,

 reached EOF before closing quote.

Parsing Error at '%s'

Pos'n error 

Print error Section 3

Print error in PDS for GRIB2

R1?jpcpack: ERROR Packing JPC = %d

R1?pngpack: ERROR Packing PNG = %d

RFMODEL segment coefficient count requires more than one block to store. There is an error in this segment. The number of coefficients according to the segment is %d.

Read error at row %lu,

 col %lu,

 tile %lu

 got %I64u bytes,

 expected %I64u

Read error at row %lu,

 col %lu

 got %I64u bytes,

 expected %I64u

Read error at scanline %lu,

 strip %lu

 got %I64u bytes,

 expected %I64u

Read error at scanline %lu

 got %I64u bytes,

 expected %I64u

Read error collecting AirSAR header.

Read error on strip %lu

 got %I64u bytes,

 expected %I64u

Read error to jpeg data stream.

Relative Error Variance

Request [%d] %s : status = %d,

 content type = %s,

 error = %s

SAGA Binary Grid only supports Byte,





 Float32 and Float64 datatypes.  Unable to create with type %s.

Seek error at row %lu,

 col %lu,

 tile %lu

Seek error at scanline %lu

Seek error at scanline %lu,

 strip %lu

Seek error to jpeg data stream.

Start Of Frame 0x%02x: width=%u,



Start Of Scan: %d components

Start chunk %d.

Start of Forecast

Start of Image

Successive times

 same forecast time,

 start time incremented

Successive times

 same start time,

 forecast time incremented

Successive times

 start time decremented,

 forecast time incremented,

 valid time constant

Successive times

 start time incremented,

 forecast time decremented,

 valid time constant

Syntax error in CREATE INDEX command.

Syntax error in CREATE SPATIAL INDEX command.

Syntax error in DROP INDEX command.

TABCollection: Error reading MULTIPOINT part.

TABCollection: Error reading PLINE part.

TABCollection: Error reading REGION part.

TABMAPObjCollection::ReadObj(): Byte 29 in Collection object header not equal to 4 as expected. Value is %d. Please report this error to the MITAB list so that MITAB can be extended to support this case.

Temperature Error Estimate

The .aux file does not start with AuxilaryTarget

The local stack.  New error handler will not be used immediately.

This does not look like a E00 file: does not start with a EXP header.

Unable to

Unable to Blank value.

Unable to access in-memory array.

Unable to add %s table to geometry_columns:

Unable to allocate %d bytes for a temporary strip buffer in GTIFF driver.

Unable to allocate %dx%d back-map for geolocation array transformer.

Unable to allocate buffer for whole interlaced PNGimage of size %dx%d.

Unable to allocate memory for auto-correcting of subsampling values

 auto-correcting skipped

Unable to allocate memory for grid row values.

Unable to allocate rasterization buffer.

Unable to allocate row buffer to scan grid file.

Unable to allocate space for row maximums array.

Unable to allocate space for row minimums array.

Unable to allocate space for shift buffer.

Unable to apply ATTF change to target record without an ATTF field (see GDAL/OGR Bug #1648)

Unable to auto-correct subsampling values,

 likely corrupt JPEG compressed data in first strip/tile

 auto-correcting skipped

Unable to compute a %s based transformation between pixel/line

Unable to compute a transformation between pixel/line

Unable to compute output bounds.

Unable to convert TimeUnit: %d 

Unable to convert this TimeUnit: %ld

Unable to create %s for writing.

Unable to create JPEG2000 encoded NITF files.  The

Unable to create band arrays ... out of memory.

Unable to create blx file %s.

Unable to create color file %s.

Unable to create copy,

 Golden Software ASCII Grid format only supports one raster band.

Unable to create copy,

 Golden Software Binary Grid format only supports one raster band.

Unable to create copy,

 SAGA Binary Grid format only supports one raster band.

Unable to create copy,

 unable to allocate line buffer.

Unable to create copy,

 writing header failed.

Unable to create directory %s.

Unable to create directory %s:

Unable to create field with name '%s',

 it would not

Unable to create fields after features have been created.

Unable to create file %s,

Unable to create file %s.

Unable to create file with multiple images and compression at the same time

Unable to create grid,

 Golden Software Binary Grid format only supports sizes up to %dx%d.  %dx%d not supported.

Unable to create grid,

 both X and Y size must be non-negative.

Unable to create jpeg file %s.

Unable to create layer %s,

 not a known TIGER/Line layer.

Unable to create multi-band USGS DEM / CDED files.

Unable to create new fields after first feature written.

Unable to create new layers in this single file dataset.

Unable to create png file %s.

Unable to create table %s: %s

Unable to create table geometry_columns: %s

Unable to create table spatial_ref_sys: %s

Unable to data section size.

Unable to deduce a negative time?

Unable to deduce the integer value

Unable to deduce the time

Unable to define CRS to use.

Unable to delete %s,

 not a file.

Unable to delete '%s':

Unable to delete directory %s,

Unable to delete file %s,

Unable to determine files associated with %s,

Unable to determine organization of dataset.  It would

Unable to drop table %s: %s

Unable to evaluate SRSName=%s

Unable to export GeoTIFF file with different datatypes per

Unable to export GeoTIFF files with zero bands.

Unable to export color table to GeoTIFF file.  Color tables

Unable to export files with zero bands.

Unable to extract CEOS image description

Unable to extract offset or filename,

 should take the form

Unable to fetch end node RCID=%d.

Unable to fetch list of tables: %s

Unable to fetch start node RCID%d.

Unable to find <


 tag in file.

Unable to find <


 tag in file.

Unable to find .QAL file,

 no color table applied.

Unable to find FID column '%s'.

Unable to find GML RectifiedGrid,

 origin or offset vectors

Unable to find GRIDHREC (type 50) record in what appears

Unable to find Geometry column '%s'.

Unable to find GridCRS in CoverageDescription,

Unable to find GridCRS.GridBaseCRS

Unable to find MDS1 measurement datatset in Envisat file.

Unable to find NTS mapsheet lookup file: %s

Unable to find RectifiedGrid in CoverageOffering,

Unable to find SysBMDir segment.

Unable to find a conversion node under the definedByConversion

Unable to find any data! Aborting.

Unable to find any image data. Aborting opening as PALSAR image.

Unable to find definition for OBJL=%d

Unable to find driver %s to unload from GDAL_SKIP environment variable.

Unable to find file handle %p in CPLCloseShared().

Unable to find imagery rec to check record length.

Unable to find or parse GridEnvelope.low/high.

Unable to find required Identifier name %s for Range Field.

Unable to find sceneInfo tag in XML document. Proceeding with caution.

Unable to find source field '%s'.

Unable to find state plane zone in stateplane.csv,

Unable to finish write of grid line. Disk full?

Unable to finish write of grid row. Disk full?

Unable to get extent by PostGIS. Using standard OGRLayer method.

Unable to identify Erdas units matching %s/%gm,

Unable to identify FID field '%s'.

Unable to identify Field name.

Unable to identify Field type '%s'.

Unable to identify Style field '%s'.

Unable to identify source X or Y field for PointFromColumns encoding.

Unable to identify source field '%s' for geometry.

Unable to initialize ODBC connection to DSN for %s,

Unable to insert SRID (%s): %s

Unable to interpret projection information

 check mapProjection info in product.xml!

Unable to interprete GridBaseCRS '%s'.

Unable to load PROJ.4 library (%s),

 creation of

Unable to load s57objectclasses.csv,

 unable to continue.

Unable to locate COMRAT to update in NITF header.

Unable to more than one OGR layer in a DXF file.

Unable to move %s to %s:

Unable to offer histogram because unique values list is not convenient to reform as HISTOBINVALUES.

Unable to open %s ... skipping.

Unable to open %s as a Microstation .dgn file.

Unable to open %s to obtain file list.

Unable to open %s,

 it has no pixels.

Unable to open %s,

 it has zero usable bands.

Unable to open %s.

Unable to open %s.shp or %s.SHP.

Unable to open %s.shx or %s.SHX.

Unable to open .TIL dataset due to missing .IMD file.

Unable to open EPSG support file %s.

Unable to open GMLJP2OVERRIDE file.

Unable to open JPEG image within NITF file.

Unable to open JPEG2000 image within NITF file.

Unable to open as a Mapinfo dataset.

Unable to open band %d because extension %s is not handled ... skipping.

Unable to open band %d because type %s is not handled ... skipping.

Unable to open band %d because type J*1 is not handled ... skipping.

Unable to open copy of dataset.

Unable to open copy of raster band?

Unable to open dataset,

 unable to header buffer.

Unable to open external data file:

Unable to open file %s for read access.

Unable to open file %s for update access.

Unable to open file %s in EnvisatFile_Create().

Unable to open file %s in EnvisatFile_Open().

Unable to open file '%s'.

Unable to open file: %s

Unable to open optfile '%s'.

Unable to open raster band.

Unable to open secondary datasource

Unable to open template file '%s'.

Unable to open virtual file.

Unable to parse .prj file,

 coordinate system missing.

Unable to parse multi-part mime,

 boundary not parsable.

Unable to parse multi-part mime,

 no boundary setting.

Unable to parse the maximum X value.

Unable to parse the maximum Y value.

Unable to parse the maximum Z value.

Unable to parse the minimum X value.

Unable to parse the minimum Y value.

Unable to parse the minimum Z value.

Unable to parse the number of X axis grid columns.

Unable to parse the number of Y axis grid rows.

Unable to perform coordinate transformations,

 so the correct

Unable to process WCS Coverage.

Unable to process WCS coverage.

Unable to query table %s for column definitions : %s.

Unable to read %d byte block from %I64u.

Unable to read %d byte block from %d.

Unable to read 1024 byte A Record from template file '%s'.

Unable to read FSDWNG field from NITF file.  File is either corrupt

Unable to read Tag.

Unable to read Z max value.

Unable to read Z min value.

Unable to read block from grid file.

Unable to read block,

 unable to allocate line buffer.

Unable to read buffer.

Unable to read file section size.

Unable to read file version.

Unable to read from grid file (possible corruption).

Unable to read header length from NITF file.  File is either corrupt

Unable to read header,

 %s is not DTED.

Unable to read maximum X value.

Unable to read maximum Y value.

Unable to read maximum Z value.

Unable to read minimum X value.

Unable to read minimum Y value.

Unable to read minimum Z value.

Unable to read raster X size.

Unable to read raster Y size.

Unable to read rotation value.

Unable to read spacing in X value.

Unable to read spacing in Y value.

Unable to read tile of unsupported compression type: %s

Unable to recognize file as COASP.

Unable to rename fileset due irregular basenames.

Unable to rename fileset due to irregular filename correspondence.

Unable to rewrite %s header.

Unable to save auxilary information in %s.

Unable to seek in grid file (possible corruption).

Unable to seek in grid file.

Unable to seek in grid row %d (offset %ld,

 seek %d).

Unable to seek near end of file.

Unable to seek to beginning of grid row.

Unable to seek to end of file section.

Unable to seek to end of grid file.

Unable to seek to grid line.

Unable to seek to start of grid file copy.

Unable to seek to start of grid file header.

Unable to seek to start of grid file.

Unable to seek to start of shift in grid file.

Unable to set GeoTransform,

 SAGA binary grids only support the same cellsize in x-y.

Unable to set GeoTransform,

 dataset opened read only.

Unable to set color table on read-only file.

Unable to set header field %s,

 field not found.

Unable to shift file contents.

Unable to stat() %s.

Unable to support vertically oriented images.

Unable to translate feature %ld from layer %s.

Unable to update features in tables without

Unable to update file header.  Disk full?

Unable to update grid header,

 failure shifting file contents.

Unable to write %I64u byte block from %I64u.

Unable to write JPEG2000 compressed NITF file.

Unable to write all %d LUT entries,

 only able to write %d.

Unable to write block to grid file.

Unable to write block,

 dataset opened read only.

Unable to write grid block.

Unable to write grid cell.  Disk full?

Unable to write grid row. Disk full?

Unable to write international text

Unable to write maximum X value to grid file.

Unable to write maximum Y value to grid file.

Unable to write maximum Z value to grid file.

Unable to write minimum X value to grid file.

Unable to write minimum Y value to grid file.

Unable to write minimum Z value to grid file.

Unable to write out .prj file.

Unable to write padding to grid file (Out of space?).

Unable to write range information.

Unable to write raster X size to grid file.

Unable to write raster Y size to grid file.

Unable to write signature to grid file.

Unable to write tile of unsupported compression type: %s

Unable to write to grid file (Out of space?).

Unable to write to grid file (out of space?).

Unexpected error in calculating affine transform: corner coordinates inconsistent.

Value error 

Warning- error setting header info in SetGeoTransform. Changes may not be saved properly.

Write error at scanline %lu

Wrong node,

 unable to deserialize GDALWarpOptions.

Last update: 21/01/2025