BLOB_close BLOB_display BLOB_dump BLOB_edit BLOB_get BLOB_load BLOB_open BLOB_put BLOB_text_dump BLOB_text_load Bopen CVT_move DLS_add_dir ISC_get_prefix ISC_kill ISC_prefix ISC_prefix_lock ISC_prefix_msg ISC_signal ISC_signal_cancel SDL_info blob__display blob__dump blob__edit blob__load gds32.isc_event_block) gds32.isc_expand_dpb) gds32.isc_start_transaction) gds__alloc gds__attach_database gds__blob_info gds__blob_size gds__cancel_blob gds__cancel_events gds__close gds__close_blob gds__commit_retaining gds__commit_transaction gds__compile_request gds__compile_request2 gds__create_blob gds__create_blob2 gds__create_database gds__database_cleanup gds__database_info gds__ddl gds__declare gds__decode gds__decode_date gds__describe gds__describe_bind gds__detach_database gds__disable_subsystem gds__dsql_finish gds__edit gds__enable_subsystem gds__encode gds__encode_date gds__event_block gds__event_counts gds__event_wait gds__execute gds__execute_immediate gds__fetch gds__free gds__ftof gds__get_prefix gds__get_segment gds__get_slice gds__interprete gds__log gds__log_status gds__map_blobs gds__msg_close gds__msg_format gds__msg_lookup gds__msg_open gds__msg_put gds__open gds__open_blob gds__open_blob2 gds__parse_bpb gds__prefix gds__prefix_lock gds__prefix_msg gds__prepare gds__prepare_transaction gds__prepare_transaction2 gds__print_blr gds__print_status gds__put_error gds__put_segment gds__put_slice gds__qtoq gds__que_events gds__receive gds__reconnect_transaction gds__register_cleanup gds__release_request gds__request_info gds__rollback_transaction gds__seek_blob gds__send gds__set_debug gds__sqlcode gds__start_and_send gds__start_multiple gds__start_request gds__start_transaction gds__temp_file gds__thread_enable gds__thread_enter gds__thread_exit gds__thread_start gds__to_sqlda gds__transaction_cleanup gds__transaction_info gds__unregister_cleanup gds__unwind_request gds__validate_lib_path gds__vax_integer gds__version gds__vtof gds__vtov isc_add_user isc_array_gen_sdl isc_array_get_slice isc_array_lookup_bounds isc_array_lookup_desc isc_array_put_slice isc_array_set_desc isc_attach_database isc_baddress isc_blob_default_desc isc_blob_display isc_blob_dump isc_blob_edit isc_blob_gen_bpb isc_blob_info isc_blob_load isc_blob_lookup_desc isc_blob_set_desc isc_cancel_blob isc_cancel_events isc_close isc_close_blob isc_commit_retaining isc_commit_transaction isc_compile_request isc_compile_request2 isc_create_blob isc_create_blob2 isc_create_database isc_database_cleanup isc_database_info isc_ddl isc_declare isc_decode_date isc_decode_sql_date isc_decode_sql_time isc_decode_timestamp isc_delete_user isc_describe isc_describe_bind isc_detach_database isc_drop_database isc_dsql_alloc_statement2 isc_dsql_allocate_statement isc_dsql_describe isc_dsql_describe_bind isc_dsql_exec_immed2 isc_dsql_exec_immed2_m isc_dsql_exec_immed3_m isc_dsql_execute isc_dsql_execute2 isc_dsql_execute2_m isc_dsql_execute_immediate isc_dsql_execute_immediate_m isc_dsql_execute_m isc_dsql_fetch isc_dsql_fetch_a isc_dsql_fetch_m isc_dsql_finish isc_dsql_free_statement isc_dsql_insert isc_dsql_insert_m isc_dsql_prepare isc_dsql_prepare_m isc_dsql_release isc_dsql_set_cursor_name isc_dsql_sql_info isc_embed_dsql_close isc_embed_dsql_declare isc_embed_dsql_describe isc_embed_dsql_describe_bind isc_embed_dsql_exec_immed2 isc_embed_dsql_execute isc_embed_dsql_execute2 isc_embed_dsql_execute_immed isc_embed_dsql_fetch isc_embed_dsql_fetch_a isc_embed_dsql_insert isc_embed_dsql_open isc_embed_dsql_open2 isc_embed_dsql_prepare isc_embed_dsql_release isc_encode_date isc_encode_sql_date isc_encode_sql_time isc_encode_timestamp isc_event_block isc_event_counts isc_execute isc_execute_immediate isc_expand_dpb isc_fetch isc_fetch_a isc_format_implementation isc_free isc_ftof isc_get_segment isc_get_slice isc_interprete isc_modify_dpb isc_modify_user isc_open isc_open_blob isc_open_blob2 isc_portable_integer isc_prepare isc_prepare_transaction isc_prepare_transaction2 isc_print_blr isc_print_sqlerror isc_print_status isc_put_segment isc_put_slice isc_qtoq isc_que_events isc_receive isc_reconnect_transaction isc_release_request isc_request_info isc_rollback_retaining isc_rollback_transaction isc_seek_blob isc_send isc_service_attach isc_service_detach isc_service_query isc_service_start isc_set_debug isc_sql_interprete isc_sqlcode isc_start_and_send isc_start_multiple isc_start_request isc_start_transaction isc_to_sqlda isc_transact_request isc_transaction_info isc_unwind_request isc_vax_integer isc_version isc_vtof isc_vtov isc_wait_for_event perf_format perf_get_info perf_report
An error occurred updating the license file. Operation cancelled. An error occurred while attempting to add the user. An error occurred while attempting to delete the user record. An error occurred while attempting to modify the user record. An error occurred while updating the security database. Attempt to start more than %ld transactions Cannot open status and error output file %s Cannot start WAL writer for the database %s Cannot start transaction for password database Checksum error on database page %ld Communication error with journal %s Conversion error from string %s Enable journal for database before starting online dump Error in opening Write-ahead Log file during recovery Error in switch specifications Error initializing the network software. Error reading data from the connection. Error while listening for an incoming connection. Error while listening for an incoming event connection request. Error while trying to access file Error while trying to close file Error while trying to create file Error while trying to delete file Error while trying to open file Error while trying to read from file Error while trying to write to file Error writing data to the connection. Floating-point invalid operand. An indeterminant error occurred during a floating-point operation. I/O error for file %.0s%s INET/INET_connect: gethostbyname failed, error code = %d INET/INET_connect: getservbyname failed, error code = %d INET/alloc_port: WSAStartup failed, error code = %d INET/aux_request: gethostbyname failed, error code = %d Message length error (encountered %ld, expected %ld) Operation failed. An unknown error occurred. Restart shared cache manager SPXNET32/alloc_port: WSAStartup failed, error code = %d SQL error code = %ld Secondary server attachments cannot start journaling Secondary server attachments cannot start logging Syntax error in command line Unable to allocate memory from operating system Unable to complete network request to host %s. Unable to create database %s Unable to create event semaphore Unable to load required library %s. Unable to open config file %s: errno = %d Unable to open database Unable to perform operation. You must be either SYSDBA or owner of the database Unable to roll over please see InterBase log. Unable to set configuration parameters : No Memory Unable to start event packer thread %ld Unable to start event processing thread %ld Unexpected I/O error while reading from backup file Unexpected I/O error while writing to backup file Unknown ISC error %ld Unknown NetWare error %ld Unknown Win32 error %ld Unknown dos error %ld Unknown unix error %ld Validation error for column %s, value %s WAL writer synchronization error for the database %s