GPUabout GPUclose GPUconfigure GPUdisplayFlags GPUdisplayText GPUdmaChain GPUdmaSliceIn GPUdmaSliceOut GPUfreeze GPUgetMode GPUgetScreenPic GPUinit GPUmakeSnapshot GPUopen GPUreadData GPUreadDataMem GPUreadStatus GPUsetMode GPUshowScreenPic GPUshutdown GPUtest GPUupdateLace GPUwriteData GPUwriteDataMem GPUwriteStatus PSEgetLibName PSEgetLibType PSEgetLibVersion psepIdentify psepInitialize
- unable to initialize heap - unable to open console device Enable Dynamic Caching Enable HotKeys Extra+FBR is the same as Extra, but includes a framebuffer read at the start of full VRAM rendering, which is often necessary. This setting is designed for those that want swirly-screen effects, etc. but don't want framebuffer read access enabled all the time (note: designed with FFIX in mind!). Runtime error Some games (most notably Need For Speed games) operate in double-buffered mode (as described above with a front-buffer and back-buffer), but when they display a menu, they stop flipping buffers and just render to the one buffer (the frontbuffer). This is really quite crap, as far as graphical display techniques goes, but we have no control over how the developers use the GPU. This 'habit' of rendering direct to the front-buffer is really a massive pain in the butt for hardware GPUs, so I came up with a 'fix' which tries its best to detect this behaviour and actually display the data for those menus. However, because this is quite a major hack, it will probably cause problems in other games, so this option should only be enable if you think you need it (i.e.. NFS games, and maybe other games where you know menus, etc. are missing).