// last line error in persona 3 movie clips if rounding is enabled batch_start = batch_first skip = prim_start & (MAX_PRIM_PER_BATCH - 1) uint n = (batch_first - batch_start) * MAX_PRIM_PER_BATCH - (prim_start & (MAX_PRIM_PER_BATCH - 1)) #error MAX_PRIM_PER_BATCH // example: 133.0625 (133 + 1/16) should start from line 134, ceil(133.0625 - 0.05) still above 133 __global BIN_TYPE* bin = & env-> bin[bin_index + batch_start * bin_count] // TODO: not needed for one __global gs_barycentric* barycentric = & env-> barycentric[batch_start < < MAX_PRIM_PER_BATCH_BITS] __global gs_param* pb = (__global gs_param*)(pb_base + pb_start + pb_index * TFX_PARAM_SIZE) __global gs_prim* prim_base = & env-> prim[batch_start < < MAX_PRIM_PER_BATCH_BITS] if(batch_start > batch_last) if(batch_start < batch_first) prim_count = min(prim_count, (batch_last - batch_start + 1) < < MAX_PRIM_PER_BATCH_BITS) uint batch_start = prim_start > > MAX_PRIM_PER_BATCH_BITS uint prim_start = get_group_id(2) < < (5 - MODE) // example: 133.0625 (133 + 1/16) should start from line 134, ceil(133.0625 - 0.05) still above 133 #error hello // You can't enable it if you discard the fragment. The depth is still Always enable interpolation. Rendering is smoother but it could generate some glitches. Enable a couple of CRC hacks (23). Enable all CRC hacks. Enable most of the CRC hacks. Error GL_ARB_texture_barrier is not supported by your driver. You can't emulate correctly the GS blending unit! Sorry! Error failed to load '%s'. External Shader will be disabled ! FATAL ERROR !!!! Failed to setup DSA function pointer!!! GSdx: Recording start command