@GTPin_Init@12 _MOS_GetMemNinjaCounter@0 _MOS_GetMemNinjaCounterGfx@0 _MOS_SetUltFlag@4 _OpenDxva@4
0: Disable SSD. 1: Enable SSD. 2+: If GT3 platform, SSD will be enabled else SSD will be disabled( Default). @WiDiIREnable AV1 Decode Driver S2L Enable Flag AV1 Decode driver S2L enable flag. 0: HUC FW S2L, 1: Driver S2L. CM based FC enable Control Enable ACQP for HEVC VDEnc Enable Aes Native Enable CNL AVC Encode ARB WA Enable Capture Mode for HEVC VDEnc Enable CmdInitializer HuC FW for HEVC/VP9 VDEnc. Enable Codec MMC Enable Codec MMCD. (0: Disable codec MMCD other values: enable codec MMCD). Enable Compute Context Enable Compute Context. default:0 disabled. Enable DDI sync to make sure DDI thread will not return Enable Decode MMC Enable Decode MMCD. (0: Disable decode MMCD other values: enable decode MMCD). Enable Decode VE Enable Decode VE CtxBasedScheduling Enable Dump Recon Surface to AubCapture Enable Encode MMC Enable Encode MMCD. (0: Disable encode MMCD other values: enable encode MMCD). Enable Encode VE Enable Encode VE CtxBasedScheduling Enable FE separate submission in Scalability decode. (Default 0: Disable FE separate submission Enable Frame Tracking Enable HCP Scalability Decode Enable HCP Scalability decode mode. (Default 1: Scalable Decode Mode Enable HEVC Encode Media Reset Test, by default:0(disabled). Enable HEVC Per VDBOX HW Semaphore in GEN11 Enable HEVC Per VDBOX HW Semaphore in GEN11. Enable HEVC Real Tile Multi Phase Decode Enable HEVC SF 2 DMA Submits Enable HEVC SFC Histogram StreamOut debug in Pre-Si. 0:Disable, 1:Enable Enable HEVC VDEnc SuperHME Enable HEVC VDEnc UltraHME Enable HEVC real tile multi-phase decode mode. Default is not enabled Enable HW Semaphore Enable HW Semaphore. Enable LBC Only for IBC for HEVC VDEnc Enable MDF Curbe Dump Enable MDF ETW Log Enable MDF Log Level Enable MDF Surface Dump Enable MDF Surface State Dump Enable MDF UMD ULT Enable MDF interface descriptor data dump Enable Media RenderEngine MMC Enable MediaReset Test Enable PakObjCmd StreamOut for HEVC VDEnc Enable Partial Frame Update for HEVC VDEnc Enable RDOQ for HEVC Enable RGB Encoding for HEVC VDEnc Enable Rounding for HEVC VDEnc Enable TileReplay for HEVC VDEnc Enable UMD multiple thread. (Default 1: eanbe MT 0: disable MT.) Enable VC1 AP WA Enable VDBox load balancing Enable VE Debug Override Enable VE Debug Override. Enable VEBOX RGB Output Enable VEBOX RGB Output for validation purpose Enable VP MMC Enable VP9 Vdenc Virtual Engine Enable VP9 Vdenc Virtual Engine. Enable Vebox Decompress Enable Vebox Scalability Enable WP Support Enable Wave-front Parallel Processing in HostVLD parser. Enable Weighted Prediction support in HEVC Encoder. Enable balancing of VDBox load by KMD hint. (Default FALSE: disabled Enable decode status reporting Enable long term reference in hevc vme brc. (Default 0: Disable Enable media render engine memory compression in media workload Enable memory compression Enable power saving mode in HEVC Enc Enable to set cmd default parameters from file (Default 0) Error creating new file Error writing GEN binary into ISA file, bad offset from original file Filter ID: %d, Unable to get Filter Setup Flag 1: Disable deblocking kernel. 0: Default. Enable deblocking For debugging purpose. Enable Vebox In-Place decompression HEVC Encode Enable HW Stitch HEVC Encode Enable HW Stitch. If set, CodecHal will enable MediaSolo at the specified frame MediaSolo Enable Frame Num Need to enable MOS user feature key to get this value in report. . Not Reported : Need to enable Report Encrypted Frame Count Perf Profiler Enable Control Flag Pipe Start SemaphoreMemory Set 1 to enable slice shutdown by force Software Scoreboard enable Control Surface %d: Unable to get resource information Surface %d: Unable to write to surface To Enable HW's AES decrypt ability to handle enrypted bitstream directly without trans-crypt Unable to get CFB from plugin. Unable to verify CFB Used to enable BRC SW simulation Mode Used to enable BRC SW simulation. Used to enable ENCODE BRC SW simulation Custom Path Used to enable HEVC ENCODE SubThread Number in the ENC kernel. Used to enable HEVC VME ENCODE SSE.(default 0: disabled) Used to enable HEVC VME ENCODE SSE.(default 0:disabled) Used to enable or disable multiref QP feature for BRC. VP 3P Dump Start Frame VP9 Encode Enable HW Stitch VP9 Encode Enable HW Stitch.