Function1 Function10 Function11 Function12 Function13 Function14 Function15 Function2 Function3 Function4 Function5 Function6 Function7 Function8 Function9
ERROR in Core analysis: Error #000002: Utterance has no path to traceback Error #000003: phoneme append error Error #000004: BAAAD stuff, should neven happen (size mismatch) Error #000005: strange things are kept in weight files! (size mismatch) Parse error for phoneme %s Pass: %d internal error for word: TALKBACK_ANALYSIS_FAILED_ERR: analysis failed [the sound file cannot be analyzed or an internal error occurred] TALKBACK_INTERNAL_ERR: a serious internal error occurred in TalkBack please alert LIPSinc by sending mail with a description of how the error was triggered to Unable to open input file Unknown TalkBack error code: %d