_libigesDllEntryPoint@12 iaff_FormatFile iaff_Initialize iaff_Terminate iaff__AIFile iaff__AIFileBuf iaff__AIFileBufEnd iaff__AILinBuf iaff__AILinEnd iaff__CopyPD iaff__CurDE iaff__CurEntity iaff__CurForm iaff__CurMdl iaff__CurType iaff__DEs iaff__DblToFlt iaff__EOFchar iaff__EORchar iaff__EntityOrder iaff__Error iaff__FormatDE iaff__FormatDouble iaff__FormatEntity iaff__FormatField iaff__FormatFixedLong iaff__FormatGlobal iaff__FormatGlobalField iaff__FormatLong iaff__FormatMode iaff__FormatStart iaff__FormatTerminate iaff__FormatTextString iaff__FormatUnknownField iaff__Global iaff__GlobalField iaff__JAMA_IS iaff__LinBuf iaff__LinEnd iaff__LinPtr iaff__MaxCol iaff__PDBufCnt iaff__PDFile iaff__PDFileBuf iaff__PDFileBufEnd iaff__PDLinBuf iaff__PDLinEnd iaff__ProcessEntities iaff__ProcessPtr iaff__ReadBuffer iaff__Section iaff__SectionCountPtr iaff__SectionCounts iaff__SectionIndex iaff__SetDE iaff__WriteBuffer iaff__WriteLine iafp_Initialize iafp_ParseFile iafp_Terminate iafp__BackDE iafp__CharCnt iafp__CountLoc iafp__CurDE iafp__CurDbptr iafp__CurEntity iafp__CurLinLen iafp__CurMdl iafp__DE iafp__DblPrec iafp__DecodeField iafp__DelimChar iafp__DelimSize iafp__EOF_flag iafp__EOFchar iafp__EORchar iafp__EndOfEnt iafp__FieldNum iafp__FileBuf iafp__FileBufBeg iafp__FileBufEnd iafp__FileName iafp__FindNextEntity iafp__FixBadLine iafp__Fldbuf iafp__GetFieldType iafp__GetNextField iafp__GetNextLine iafp__Global iafp__IGESfile iafp__LinBuf iafp__LinBuf2 iafp__LinBufPtr iafp__LinBufSav iafp__LinCnt iafp__LinLen iafp__LinLenm1 iafp__Link iafp__MaxCol iafp__ModifiedMaxCol iafp__Option iafp__OutOfOrder iafp__OutputError iafp__ParseDE iafp__ParseGlobal iafp__ParseMode iafp__ParsePD iafp__ParseStart iafp__ParseTerminate iafp__ProcessDEPtr iafp__ProcessPtr iafp__ProcessUnions iafp__ReadNextLine iafp__SaveMaxCol iafp__Section iafp__SectionCountPtr iafp__SectionCounts iafp__SectionIndex iafp__SectionLtrs iafp__SkipH iafp__SkipText iafp__TempDE iafp__TraverseError iafp__TraverseGlobal iafp__TraversePD iafp__UnknownType iafp__xyzscal_420 ievm_FreeResults ievm_Initialize ievm_Terminate ievm_ValidateModel ievm__508_510_NoMark ievm__BackPtrFlag ievm__BadEntityList ievm__BadEntityResult ievm__BlankingFld ievm__CDPtrFld ievm__CFRT_402 ievm__CNumFld ievm__Check102Pnt ievm__Check141Pnt ievm__CheckBlanking ievm__CheckCoord ievm__CheckDeleteList ievm__CheckFieldReftype ievm__CheckGeneral ievm__CheckHierarchy ievm__CheckNormDirections ievm__CheckParamRange141 ievm__CheckParamRange142 ievm__CheckSubord ievm__CheckUsage ievm__Convert106To126 ievm__Convert108To128 ievm__ConvertToContinuous ievm__DEPtrToInt ievm__DeleteBackPtr ievm__DeleteEntityList ievm__DeleteParentRef ievm__DeletePtr ievm__DeletePtrStruct ievm__DeleteResult ievm__DoCheck ievm__DupPropsAssocs ievm__EdgeUseTree ievm__EntityDeleteTree ievm__EntityProcessed ievm__ErrorLevel ievm__FDPtrFld ievm__FNumFld ievm__FaceOrientation ievm__FixClip ievm__GetBadList ievm__GetParents ievm__GetTol ievm__HierarchyFld ievm__LDPtrFld ievm__LDispFld ievm__LNumFld ievm__MatrixFld ievm__MaxMsg ievm__ModifyLine ievm__NoFix ievm__Option ievm__PrintFix ievm__ProcFlags ievm__ReadTF ievm__Results ievm__SDPtrFld ievm__SplitPointsAtPbounds ievm__StatusFlags ievm__StatusFlagsTree ievm__Stubs ievm__SubordFld ievm__Table ievm__UsageFld ievm__UseFlags ievm__ValResults ievm__Validate100 ievm__Validate102 ievm__Validate104 ievm__Validate106 ievm__Validate108 ievm__Validate110 ievm__Validate112 ievm__Validate114 ievm__Validate116 ievm__Validate118 ievm__Validate120 ievm__Validate122 ievm__Validate123 ievm__Validate124 ievm__Validate125 ievm__Validate126 ievm__Validate128 ievm__Validate130 ievm__Validate132 ievm__Validate140 ievm__Validate141 ievm__Validate142 ievm__Validate143 ievm__Validate144 ievm__Validate186 ievm__Validate190 ievm__Validate192 ievm__Validate194 ievm__Validate196 ievm__Validate198 ievm__Validate202 ievm__Validate204 ievm__Validate206 ievm__Validate208 ievm__Validate210 ievm__Validate212 ievm__Validate214 ievm__Validate216 ievm__Validate218 ievm__Validate220 ievm__Validate222 ievm__Validate228 ievm__Validate230 ievm__Validate304 ievm__Validate308 ievm__Validate312 ievm__Validate314 ievm__Validate320 ievm__Validate402 ievm__Validate404 ievm__Validate406 ievm__Validate408 ievm__Validate410 ievm__Validate416 ievm__Validate420 ievm__Validate502 ievm__Validate504 ievm__Validate508 ievm__Validate510 ievm__Validate514 ievm__ValidateEntity ievm__ValidateGlobal ievm__ValidateModel ievm__VersionFld ievm__ViewFld ievm__del_val_results ievm__entity_pts_to_self ievm__tol ifmt_Initialize ifmt_Terminate ifmt__GetAttrSummary
A full circle is assumed the terminate angle has been reset to the Start angle + 2PI. An error occurred approximating the IGES entity. An error occurred converting the IGES entity. An error occurred evaluating the IGES entity. An error occurred while creating a list to hold %s. An internal error occurred in function %s. Error ProcessEnt for %s returns NOERR, but no db_ptr is set. Error allocating IGES file buffer. Error allocating a matrix entity into output model. Error allocating memory for %s. Error allocating memory. Error allocating new stack. Error allocating output model. Error allocating working space. Error creating a matrix entity into output model. Error decoding DE backpointer. Error decoding section count in terminate section. Error hierarchy flag is partial attribute Error in Approximating Entity: %d Error in converting entity (%d) to nurb. Error in decoding PD sequence number. Error in processing global section at line %ld. Field delimiter not found or illegal. Error in processing global section at line %ld. Record delimiter not found or illegal. Error initializing new model selection lists for %s Error occurred trying to allocate memory. Error occurred while decoding entity type in PD entry. Error occurred while mapping entity. Error opening DE temporary file. Error opening PD temporary file. Error opening file %s. Error processing DE blanking field. Error processing DE color field. Error processing DE entity type field. Error processing DE form field. Error processing DE hierarchy field. Error processing DE label display pointer field. Error processing DE level field. Error processing DE line font field. Error processing DE line weight field. Error processing DE matrix pointer field. Error processing DE parameter data pointer field. Error processing DE parameter line count field. Error processing DE structure field. Error processing DE subordinance field. Error processing DE subscript field. Error processing DE usage field. Error processing DE view pointer field. Error processing global section field. Field value will be defaulted. Error reading from file %s. Error reallocating memory for %s. Error reallocating memory. Error subordination flag is physical Error subordination flag is physical and logical Error trying to linearize surface entity. DE = %d, Type = %d Error using OLM tree. Error using OTM tree. Error while processing 102, 102 contains an entity which deos not conform to JAMA-IS and unable to decompose. Error while processing 314, color field of its parent is not pointer. Error while processing 314, color field pointer of its parent did not match. Error while processing 314, level field pointer of its parent did not match. Error while processing 314, levle field of its parent is not pointer. Fatal Error while getting parents of color entity. Fatal Error while getting parents of level entity. File I/O error occurred while reading the IGES file at line %ld. File I/O error occurred while writing the IGES file. Global section missing or does not follow start section. Internal Error app_data.num is not 0 when adding an entity to the list. Invalid start point. Invalid start vertex index. Invalid start vertex pointer. Start and Terminate angles are equal. Start section line count in terminate section is incorrect. Start section missing. Terminate angle less than Start angle. The B-spline was converted to a C0 continuous B-spline curve by creating a new control point at the average of the discontinuous segments start and end control points. The B-spline was converted to a C0 continuous B-spline surface by creating a new control points at the average of the discontinuous segments start and end control points. The Start and Terminate angles have been swapped. The start point for this Conic Arc entity (104) is not on the conic. Start point value found was %.7e, %.7e. The start point has been moved %.7e units, from %.7e, %.7e to %.7e, %.7e. The start point has been set equal to the terminate point. The terminate point has been set equal to the Start point, which turns the arc into a full circle. The terminate point has been set equal to the start point. This Circular Arc Entity (Type 100) has an effective zero length within the stated tolerance. Start point: %.7e, %.7e. Terminate point: %.7e, %.7e. This Composite Curve entity (102) is not continuous within the stated tolerance. The terminate point of the first curve does not equal the start point of the next curve. This Edge List entity (504) has a start vertex index (Index 4 through -1+5*N) that is invalid. The index, %ld, is not within the allowable range of values from one to the number of vertex tuples (%ld) within the referenced Vertex List entity DE %ld. This Edge List entity (504) has an edge where the direction implied from the start vertex to the end vertex does not match the direction of the associated model space curve DE %ld as traced in the direction of increasing parameter value. This Edge List entity (504) has an edge with start or end vertices that do not lie on the associated model space curve DE %ld. This Surface of Revolution entity's (120) Start and Terminate angles (Indexes 3 and 4 of Parameter Data) are equal within the stated tolerance. This Surface of Revolution entity's (120) Start and Terminate angles (Indexes 3 and 4 of Parameter Data) have a difference that is not less than 2PI within the stated tolerance. This Surface of Revolution entity's (120) Terminate angle, %.7e, (Index 4 of Parameter Data) is less than its Start angle, %.7e, (Index 3). This Tabulated Cylinder entity (122) has a zero length terminate point (Index 2 of Parameter Data) within the stated tolerance. The distance between the start of the directrix curve and the terminate point of the generatrix must be greater than zero. This arc is assumed to be full. The Terminate point has been set equal to the Start point. This circular arc entity's distance between center point and the start point is effectively zero within the stated tolerance. Both radii must be equal and greater than zero. Center point: %.7e, %.7e. Start point: %.7e, %.7e. Distance: %.7e. This circular arc entity's radii are effectively zero withinthe stated tolerance. Start point radius: %.7e. Terminate point radius: %.7e. This circular arc entity's start point and end point radii are not equal in length. Start point radius: %.7e. Terminate point radius: %.7e. Unexpected error accessing IGES ddf. *** Error (IEVM_BAD_MODEL_PARM_INDEP_142) *** *** Error (IEVM_BAD_MODEL_PARM_INNER_142) *** *** Error (IEVM_BAD_MODEL_PARM_OUTER_142) *** +An error occurred while attempting to lock entity DE %< DE> into memory. +Error allocating an entity DE:%< DE> into output model. +Error creating an entity DE:%< DE> into output model. +Error duplicating an entity DE %< DE> into output model. +Error while getting parent of DE %< DE> %s. +Error while mapping an entity DE:%< DE> TF:%< TF> . +Error while processing DE:%< DE> TF:%< TF> , found required child is missing. +Error while processing DE:%< DE> TF:%< TF> , there is no child. +Error while processing line font field of entity DE:%< DE> , it points to TF:%< TF> . The line font field will be reset to 0. +Error while processing view entity, the entity DE:%< DE> TF:%< TF> does not conform to JAMA-IS. +Error while processing view. An entity DE:%< DE> TF:%< TF> lost view. +Error, unable to get an object from list while processing DE:%< DE> TF:%< TF> . Attribute text start point Display rectangle start point Error Summary: List index into list of start vertex Note start index Number of lines in the start section Pointer to vertex list of start vertex Start Point Start Section Start Section information Start Section: Start and end parameters Start angle in radians Start parametric value of first curve Start parametric value of second curve Text start point