Lua is an extension programming language designed to support general procedural programming with data description facilities.
More on Lua programming language at
luaD_growstack luaF_newproto luaL_addlstring luaL_addstring luaL_addvalue luaL_argerror luaL_buffinit luaL_callmeta luaL_checkany luaL_checkinteger luaL_checklstring luaL_checknumber luaL_checkoption luaL_checkstack luaL_checktype luaL_checkudata luaL_error luaL_findtable luaL_getmetafield luaL_gsub luaL_loadbuffer luaL_loadfile luaL_loadstring luaL_newmetatable luaL_newstate luaL_openlib luaL_openlibs luaL_optinteger luaL_optlstring luaL_optnumber luaL_prepbuffer luaL_pushresult luaL_ref luaL_register luaL_typerror luaL_unref luaL_where luaM_realloc_ luaM_toobig luaS_newlstr luaU_dump lua_atpanic lua_call lua_checkstack lua_close lua_concat lua_cpcall lua_createtable lua_dump lua_equal lua_error lua_gc lua_getallocf lua_getfenv lua_getfield lua_gethook lua_gethookcount lua_gethookmask lua_getinfo lua_getlocal lua_getmetatable lua_getstack lua_gettable lua_gettop lua_getupvalue lua_insert lua_iscfunction lua_isnumber lua_isstring lua_isuserdata lua_lessthan lua_load lua_newstate lua_newthread lua_newuserdata lua_next lua_objlen lua_pcall lua_pushboolean lua_pushcclosure lua_pushfstring lua_pushinteger lua_pushlightuserdata lua_pushlstring lua_pushnil lua_pushnumber lua_pushstring lua_pushthread lua_pushvalue lua_pushvfstring lua_rawequal lua_rawget lua_rawgeti lua_rawset lua_rawseti lua_remove lua_replace lua_resume lua_setallocf lua_setfenv lua_setfield lua_sethook lua_setlocal lua_setmetatable lua_settable lua_settop lua_setupvalue lua_status lua_toboolean lua_tocfunction lua_tointeger lua_tolstring lua_tonumber lua_topointer lua_tothread lua_touserdata lua_type lua_typename lua_xmove lua_yield luaopen_base luaopen_debug luaopen_io luaopen_math luaopen_os luaopen_package luaopen_string luaopen_table
Error in error handling Error loading module '%s' from file '%s': Loop or previous error loading module '%s' PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (%s) System error %d Unable to dump given function Unable to generate a unique filename Unable to get ModuleFileName
Lua is an extension programming language designed to support general procedural programming with data description facilities.
More on Lua programming language at