
Microsoft Corporation

Free-Busy processing DLL

32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
525.8 Kb
Download size
61.5 Kb

Error Allocating memory for Thread IDs/Handles

Error Creating Session(s)

Error Querying for IExchangeManageStore

Error allocating mapi buffer for saving entryid

Error calling CreateStoreEntryID()

Error calling GetIDsFromNames()

Error calling HrCrackFBBinData()

Error calling HrReplaceFB()

Error calling HrSearchFBMsg()

Error calling OpenEntry() for opening Schedule+FreeBusy folder

Error calling OpenEntry() for opening Site folder

Error calling OpenPrivateFolder()

Error calling QueryRows() for getting this site folder

Error calling SortTable on site folder

Error calling SortTable() for private folder

Error calling _HrDupFBBin() OOF f/b data

Error calling _HrDupFBBin() merged f/b data

Error calling _HrDupFBBin() on Busy f/b data

Error calling _HrDupFBBin() on Tentative f/b data

Error calling _HrDupMVBin()

Error calling g_pfnCreateSession()

Error calling lpMessage->


Error calling lpMessage->


Error calling lpMessage->


Error calling lpMessage->


Error creating disconnect event

Error creating empty event for message queue

Error creating item-available event for message queue

Error creating polling thread(s)

Error creating query sessions for VM

Error creating session from VM

Error creating sessions created event for message queue

Error creating special free-busy folder

Error creating stopped event for virtual machine %s, hr = %x

Error creating worker thread(s) for message queue

Error creating worker threads

Error deleting message from private folder

Error doing SaveChanges after creating special free-busy folder

Error doing SetReceiveFolder()

Error doing setting system attendant's DN in registry

Error during m_pTable->

QueryRows() on sys attendant mailbox

Error during m_pTable->

SeekRow() on sys attendant mailbox

Error escaping url comp name for fb message

Error finding site folder under SchedulePlusFB folder

Error getting ContentsTable on Private Folder

Error getting IDs from names of special FB properties

Error getting IMAPIProp interface pointer on m_pPrivateFolder

Error getting binary f/b stream property from private f/b message

Error getting cleanup start time

Error getting entry id property on special private folder

Error getting heirarchy table on site folder

Error getting site folders under SchedulePlusFB folder

Error in GetProps() while getting PR_SPLUS_FREE_BUSY_ENTRYID

Error initializing COM

Error initializing COM in worker thread.

Error initializing work item queue

Error opening message entry for comp url update

Error opening message store

Error opening private f/b message in SA mailbox

Error opening private root folder

Error opening private store

Error opening public store

Error opening registry key for writing System Attendant's DN

Error opening/reading registry parameter under %ws errno = %d

Error preparing table again

Error querying for all message stores

Error querying free/busy message table for duplicate deletion

Error rewinding table for VM

Error saving changes after setting url comp name

Error setting System Attendant's DN in registry

Error setting columns for private folder query

Error setting columns in heirarchy table of site folder

Error setting columns on Site Folder table

Error setting url comp name on fb message

Error setting waitable timer for cleanup

Error setting waitable timer for polling

HrAddFB: Error calling HrAddFBUpdateHistory()

HrAddFB: Error calling HrFBLocateHistoryMonth()

HrAddFB: Error calling HrFBLocateMonth() #1

HrAddFB: Error calling HrFBLocateMonth() #2

HrGetFBs() failed with error %x

HrReplaceFB: Error calling HrFBLocateHistoryMonth()

HrReplaceFB: Error calling HrFBLocateMonth()

HrReplaceFB: Error calling HrReplaceFBUpdateHistory()

HrReplaceFBUpdateHistory: Error calling HrAddFB()

Start called in an uninitialized state

Start called with parameters %ws, %x

Unable to allocate memory for work item queue

Unable to find default store

Unable to open default private store

Unable to open public store

Unable to prepare message table. hr = %x

Last update: 16/11/2024