!An internal error '{0}' occurred. & Syntax error at position {0} in '{1}'. 5An error occurred while processing the OData message. A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the start of a collection with a collection wrapper object. A 'StartObject' node was expected. A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the start of a feed. A 'StartObject' or 'StartArray' node was expected. A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the start of an entity reference link. In OData, entity reference links must be objects. A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the start of an entry. A 'StartObject' node was expected. A property with name '{0}' was found in the error object when reading a top-level error. In OData, a top-level error object must have exactly one property with name 'error'. A property with name '{0}' was found in the error value of a top-level error. In OData, a top-level error value can only have properties with name 'code', 'message', or 'innererror'. A property with name '{0}' was found in the message value of a top-level error. In OData, the message value of a top-level error value can only have properties with name 'lang' or 'value'. An ODataCollectionStart with a 'null' name was passed to the ATOM collection writer. In ATOM, an ODataCollectionStart cannot have a 'null' name. An ODataCollectionStart with an empty name was passed to the collection writer. An ODataCollectionStart cannot have an empty name. An invalid quality value was detected in the header string '{0}' quality values must start with '0' or '1' but not with '{1}'. DAn error occurred when converting the character '{0}' to an integer. GWriteEnd can only be called after WriteStart and after the previously created sub-writer has completed. IA top-level error cannot be read from request payloads. Top-level errors are only supported in responses. MWriting an in-stream error is not supported when writing a parameter payload. Multiple '{0}' properties were found in an error or inner error object. In OData, an error or inner error must have at most one '{0}' property. Multiple '{{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:{0}' elements were found in a top-level error value. In OData, the value of a top-level error value can have no more than one '{{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:{0}' element Multiple '{{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:{0}' elements were found in an inner error value. In OData, the value of an inner error value can have at most one '{{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:{0}' element. NAn error was read from the payload. See the 'Error' property for more details. RCannot transition from state '{0}' to state '{1}'. Nothing can be written once the writer entered the error state. The '{0}' header value '{1}' is invalid. When this is the start of the change set, the value must be '{2}' otherwise it must be '{3}'. The WriteError and WriteErrorAsync methods on ODataMessageWriter cannot be called when a batch is being written by using ODataBatchWriter. In OData, writing an in-stream error for a batch payload is not supported. The WriteError method or the WriteErrorAsync method on ODataMessageWriter cannot be called after the WriteValue method or the WriteValueAsync method is called. In OData, writing an in-stream error for raw values is not supported. The WriteError method or the WriteErrorAsync method on the ODataMessageWriter has already been called to write an error payload. Only a single error payload can be written with each ODataMessageWriter instance. The element with name '{0}' in namespace '{1}' is not a valid root element for an error. The root element of an error must be 'error' and must belong to the 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata' namespace. The element with name '{0}' in namespace '{1}' is not a valid start element for an entity reference link. The start element of an entity reference link must be 'uri' and it must belong to the 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices' namespace. The element with name '{0}' in namespace '{1}' is not a valid start element for entity reference links. The start element of entity reference links must be 'links' and it must belong to the 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices' namespace. The relative URI '{0}' cannot be escaped because it starts with '{1}' and a base URI is not available. Relative URIs without a base URI cannot start with '/', '' or '..'. The request line '{0}' is invalid. The request line at the start of each operation must be of the format 'HttpMethod RequestUrl HttpVersion'. The response line '{0}' is invalid. The response line at the start of each operation must be of the format 'HttpVersion StatusCode StatusCodeString'. WWriteStart can only be called once, and it must be called before writing anything else. When trying to read the start of a collection parameter value, a node of type '{0}' with the value '{1}' was read from the JSON reader however, a 'StartArray' node or 'null' was expected. When trying to read the start of a collection without a collection wrapper object, a node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader however, a 'StartArray' node was expected. WriteValue and CreateCollectionWriter can only be called after WriteStart and before WriteEnd they cannot be called until the previously created sub-writer is completed. XAn error cannot be written to a request payload. Errors are only supported in responses.