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Comments must start with / Unable to allocate buffers. Unable to create new threads. [%d] NS ERROR < %s> < %d> , CStreamConvert::GreateHead GetAddress SYSTRANS_Start fail [%d] NS ERROR < %s> < %d> , CStreamConvert::GreateHead SYSTRANS_Start fail[%#x] [%d] NS ERROR < %s> < %d> , DevDefence_V17 error szAccessToken:%s, strDeviceInfo:%s, strServerInfo:%s: [%d] NS ERROR < %s> < %d> , Download picture failed, PicURL = %s, error code: %d [%d] NS ERROR < %s> < %d> , PTZCtrl error szAccessToken:%s, strDeviceInfo:%s, strServerInfo:%s: [%d] NS ERROR < %s> < %d> , Start Query Client ISP Type Failed, Platform addr is empty! [%d] NS ERROR < %s> < %d> , Start Query Client ISP Type Failed, szAccessId is empty! [%d] NS ERROR < %s> < %d> , Start Query Client ISP Type Failed, szAccessId is null! [%d] NS INFO < %s> < %d> , Get Alarm List, szCameraId = %s, szStartTime = %s, szEndTime = %s, iAlarmType = %d, iStatus = %d, iPageStart = %d, iPageSize = %d [%d] NS INFO < %s> < %d> , Get Device List, szAccessToken = %.6s***, iPageStart = %d, iPageSize = %d [%d] NS INFO < %s> < %d> , Get a list of your own devices, iPageStart = %d, iPageSize = %d [%d] NS INFO < %s> < %d> , Get the list of devices to be shared by others, iPageStart = %d, iPageSize = %d [%d] NS INFO < %s> < %d> , Start Get ISP Type. [%d] NS INFO < %s> < %d> , Start POThread end [%d] NS INFO < %s> < %d> , Start Query Client ISPType. [%d] NS INFO < %s> < %d> , Start Stop QueryClietISPType Thread. [%d] NS INFO < %s> < %d> , Start StopSearchCloud Thread, SessionID:%s [%d] NS INFO < %s> < %d> , start p2p check, checktimer:%d, checkperiod:%d [%d] NS INFO < %s> < %d> , szDevSerial = %s, ChannelNo = %d, szStartTime = %s, szEndTime = %s, iAlarmType = %d, iStatus = %d, iPageStart = %d, iPageSize = %d