
Voxware, Inc.

Voxware Compression Toolkit 16bit

32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
252.6 Kb
Download size
119.1 Kb
!!! The end of a file was reached.  This is not an error and should only be returned internally. !!!

***Unknown error.  None of the registered error lookup functions supplied an error.

An error (%ld) occurred during playback.

An error (%ld) occurred during recording.

An error (%ld) occurred trying to complete the operation.

An error occurred when the VCT attempted to generate comfort noise while processing a request.

An error occurred while processing a vctGetAbsolutePitch function call.

An error occurred while processing a vctGetRelativePitch function call.

An error occurred while processing a vctGetWarpedLengthFactor function call.

An error occurred while processing a vctSetAbsolutePitch function call.

An error occurred while processing a vctSetRelativePitch function call.

An error occurred while processing a vctSetVoiceFont function call.

An error occurred while processing a vctSetWarpedLengthFactor function call.

An error occurred while processing a vctUtilityGetAGCReferenceLevel function call.

An error occurred while processing a vctUtilityGetCurrentEnergyLevel function call.

An error occurred while processing a vctUtilityGetNewRecordLevel function call.

An error occurred while processing a vctUtilityGetSilenceWindow function call.

An error occurred while processing a vctUtilityGetVoiceState function call.

An error occurred while processing a vctUtilityGetVoiceTriggerLevel function call.

An error occurred while processing a vctUtilitySetAGCReferenceLevel function call.

An error occurred while processing a vctUtilitySetSilenceWindow function call.

An error occurred while processing a vctUtilitySetVoiceTriggerLevel function call.

An error occurred while trying to flush playback commands from the Q.

An error occurred while trying to give the playback system data to play.

An error occurred while trying to pause playback.

An error occurred while trying to play back the file.

An error occurred while trying to record.

An error occurred while trying to resume playback.

An error occurred while trying to set up the sound hardware.

An error occurred while trying to silence playback.

An error was encountered while brewing the black art (an internal initialization process).  The actual codec error ID is %ld.

An error was encountered while compressing a buffer - %ld.

An error was encountered while decoding speech.  The actual codec error ID is %ld.

An error was encountered while encoding speech.  The actual codec error ID is %ld.

An internal error (VW) occurred.  Please call technical support.

An internal error occurred while attempting to resample input data.  Contact Voxware technical support for assistance.

An internal error occurred.

An internal error occurred.  Please call technical support.

An internal error was encountered traversing the list of VoiceFonts.  Please call Voxware technical support.

An internal programming error was made.  We called an output for reading or an input for writing. (0x%08lX).

Cannot close the input file.  A system error of %ld occurred.

Cannot close the output file.  A system error of %ld occurred.

Cannot delete the VoiceFont file.  A system error of %ld occurred.

Cannot open the VoiceFont file.  A system error of %ld occurred.

Cannot open the input file.  A system error of %ld occurred.  lpVoxwareData->

lpInputLocation must contain a NULL terminated C string for the filename.

Cannot open the output file.  A system error of %ld occurred.  lpVoxwareData->

lpOutputLocation must contain a NULL terminated C string for the filename.

Cannot read from the VoiceFont file.  A system error of %ld occurred.

Cannot read from the file.  A system error of %ld occurred.

Cannot start the Wave device to record data for compression.

Cannot write to the VoiceFont file.  A system error of %ld occurred.

Cannot write to the file.  A system error of %ld occurred.

Check secondary error for details.

Could not find the end of the file.  A system error of %ld occurred.

Could not open the output marker log.  A system error of %ld occurred.

Could not read the amount of data that is specified in the marker 'cue ' or 'LIST' chunk.  A system error of %ld occurred.

Could not reopen the output marker log.  A system error of %ld occurred.

Could not reset seek positon after parsing markers.  A system error of %ld occurred.

Could not seek past the header of a file.  A system error of %ld occurred.

Could not seek to a marker 'VOXm' chunk.  A system error of %ld occurred.

Couldn't initialize the VCT due to VCL error %ld.  Please call Voxware technical support.


dwSecondaryReturnCode contains the error code returned by the codec.

MacOS (DTInstall) error #%ld

MacOS error #%ld

MacOS only:  gestalt returned an error (%ld) calling:

MacOS-specific error:  Could not seek into a file.  A system error of %ld occurred.

No error has occurred.

The operation couldn't be completed because error %ld occurred.

This error number became obsolete with ToolVox version 1.1.0.

This error number became obsolete with ToolVox version 1.1.1.

This error number is obsolete.

This is a programmatic error - call Voxware technical support.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for a notification record.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for a playback buffer.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for a sound header for recording or playback.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for a temporary flush buffer.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for a temporary input buffer.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for playback buffer variables.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for the InputVars structure.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for the OutputVars structure.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for the VersionInfo structure.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for the VoxControlBlock.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for the input disk buffer.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for the internal buffer used for a deferred task.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for the internal buffer used for function streaming.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for the internal buffer used for recording.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for the internal file structure.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for the internal marker buffers.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for the output disk buffer.

Unable to allocate %ld bytes for the playback buffer.

Unable to allocate UPP for read completeion routine becuse of an error %ld.

Unable to allocate UPP for the sound callback procedure becuse of an error %ld.

Unable to allocate an internal Morphio structure.

Unable to allocate memory for a VCT instance.

Unable to allocate memory for a private work area needed by the VCT compression routines.

Unable to allocate memory for a private work area needed by the VCT decompression routines.

Unable to allocate memory for a private work area needed by the VCT plugin subsystem.

Unable to allocate memory for an internal array needed by the VCT.

Unable to allocate memory for buffers required to resample input data.

Unable to allocate memory for byte-swapping buffers required to resample input data.

Unable to allocate memory for embedded VoiceFont buffers.

Unable to allocate memory for temporary disk I/O buffers.

Unable to create an internal Window that would control the playback and record messages.

Unable to identify the CPU in your machine.

Unable to play a buffer of speech on this Wave device.

Unable to prepare a header for playing or recording with this Windows wave device.

Unable to record a buffer of speech on this Wave device.

Unable to start a deferred task using NewDeferredTaskProc() because of a memory error (%ld).

We were unable to issue our deferred task used for reading input data.

Wrong format or invalid entry in the VoiceFont file.  The secondary error field has the value %ld.

Last update: 16/11/2024