
Microsoft Corporation

IIS Web Server Core

32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
349.7 Kb
Download size
178.7 Kb

AcceptSecurityContext failed, error %x

Attempt to process ISAPI request failed.  Error 0x%08x.

CGIReadEntity Error reading gateway data, hr %x

CGITerminateProcess - DisconnectNamedPipe failed, error %d

CGITerminateProcess - TerminateProcess failed, error %d

Cannot open lsa policy, error %08lX

Cannot query lsa policy info, error %08lX

CreateFilterList: Cannot open path %ws, error %lu

CreateProcess failed, error %d

CreateProcessAsUser failed, error %d

CreateTimerQueueTimer failed, error %d

DuplicateTokenEx failed, Error = %d

DuplicateTokenEx failed, GetLastError = %lx

Error %d on CGI_HANDLER::OnCompletion

Error %d on CGI_HANDLER::OnPipeIoCompletion

Error 0x%08x occured attempting to recycle disabled application %S

Error Loading required resource DLL.  hr = %x

Error QuerySecurityContextToken, hr = 0x%x.

Error acquiring credential handle, hr = %x

Error appending resp header, hr = 0x%x.

Error copying auth header, hr = 0x%x.

Error copying auth type, hr = 0x%x.

Error copying the URL.  hr = %x

Error copying the realm.  hr = %x

Error creating ABO object.  hr = %x

Error doing global filter initialization.  hr = %x

Error getting host adress info.  hr = %x

Error getting host name.  hr = %x

Error getting the URL.  hr = %x

Error getting the method.  hr = %x

Error in SetPackage().  hr = %x

Error initialize ISAPI raw data filter support.  hr = %x

Error initializing CGI restriction list.  hr = %x

Error initializing Digest Auth Prov.  hr = %x

Error initializing Http Compression.  hr = %x

Error initializing IISUTIL.  hr = %x

Error initializing ISAPI restriction list.  hr = %x

Error initializing RDns service.  hr = 0x%x

Error initializing ULATQ.  hr = %x

Error initializing W3_CONTEXT globals.  hr = %x

Error initializing W3_REQUEST globals.  hr = %x

Error initializing W3_RESPONSE globals.  hr = %x

Error initializing WinSock.  hr = %x

Error initializing caches.  hr = %x

Error initializing certificate contexts.  hr = %x

Error initializing connection table.  hr = %x

Error initializing mime map table.  hr = %x

Error initializing scheme, error %x

Error initializing server variable hash table.  hr = %x

Error initializing sm_pachDigestContextCacheEntry. hr = 0x%x

Error initializing sm_pachIISDIGESTSecContext. hr = 0x%x

Error initializing sm_pachSSPISecContext. hr = 0x%x

Error initializing sm_pachTokenCacheEntry. hr = 0x%x

Error initializing sm_pachUlResponseCache. hr = 0x%x

Error initializing sm_pachW3FileInfo. hr = 0x%x

Error initializing sm_pachW3MetaData. hr = 0x%x

Error initializing sm_pachW3UrlInfo. hr = 0x%x

Error listening for HTTP requests.  hr = %x

Error listening on filter channel.  hr = %x

Error load global ISAPI filters.  hr = %x

Error on CompleteAuthToken, hr = 0x%x

Error opening file %ws.  hr = %x

Error querying security package info, hr = %x

Error reading 1to1 Certificate Mappings.  hr = %x

Error reading UseDigestSSP property.  hr = %x

Error reading Wildcard Certificate Mappings.  hr = %x

Error resize the output buffer. hr = 0x%x 

Error retrieving connection.  hr = %x

Error trying to listen for metabase changes.  hr = %x

Error uuencoding the output buffer.

Error waiting for disconnect of connection '%p'.  hr = %x

Failed to create WAM_PROCESS %p. Error 0x%08x

Failed to get primary token security descriptor, GetLastError = %lx

Failed to initialize CgiRestrictionList on a metabase change.  Error 0x%08x.

Failed to initialize IsapiRestrictionList on a metabase change.  Error 0x%08x.

FindFirst failed!! - %s, error %d


ZError get credential handle. hr = 0x%x 

ReadFile from child stdout failed, error %d

SetThreadToken failed, error %d

Unable to Create Debug Print Object 

Unable to LoadLibrary ISAPI filter '%ws'.  Error = %d

Unable to read mime map from metabase: %d

Warning: Error calling GetLanGroupDomainName().  hr = %x

WriteFile failed, error %d

Last update: 21/01/2025