!! DDF_InitPhysicalDriveRecords: Unable to add PDE. !! DDF_InitVirtualDriveRecords: Unable to add VDE. ### ERROR ###: AllocIODs: FreeDescriptorCount=%d, pNewHead=NULL, cIODs(NotAllocated)=%d ### ERROR ###: IOCtlAllocateRangeResources: Insufficient IODs. ### PollInformationalExceptionsComplete: Logged SmartError Event. CDA: CdaSysInit returned error %x Jhc @@@ PhysQueueQuiesce in CdaStopAdapter return error status and PAD *** %x, %x PhysQueueEnablePhy :: Enable Phy retried (%u) for Port:%x, status:%x PostEnableFailedPhyDone:: Enable failed phy failed (pIOB-> taskStatus=%x) PostEnableFailedPhyDone:: Enable failed phy success (pIOB-> taskStatus=%x)