GPA_BeginPass GPA_BeginSample GPA_BeginSession GPA_CloseContext GPA_Destroy GPA_DisableAllCounters GPA_DisableCounter GPA_DisableCounterStr GPA_EnableAllCounters GPA_EnableCounter GPA_EnableCounterStr GPA_EndPass GPA_EndSample GPA_EndSession GPA_GetCounterDataType GPA_GetCounterDescription GPA_GetCounterIndex GPA_GetCounterName GPA_GetCounterUsageType GPA_GetDataTypeAsStr GPA_GetEnabledCount GPA_GetEnabledIndex GPA_GetNumCounters GPA_GetPassCount GPA_GetSampleCount GPA_GetSampleFloat32 GPA_GetSampleFloat64 GPA_GetSampleUInt32 GPA_GetSampleUInt64 GPA_GetStatusAsStr GPA_GetUsageTypeAsStr GPA_Initialize GPA_InternalGetDeviceDesc GPA_InternalGetDeviceID GPA_InternalProfileStart GPA_InternalProfileStop GPA_IsCounterEnabled GPA_IsSampleReady GPA_IsSessionReady GPA_OpenContext GPA_RegisterLoggingCallback GPA_SelectContext
Could not enable performance counters. Please make sure User Access Control (UAC) is disabled or that the application requests admin access using a manifest file. Please enable at least one counter before calling GPA_BeginSession. Unable to allocate memory to store the counter description. Unable to allocate memory to store the counter group name Unable to allocate memory to store the counter name. Unable to allocate memory to store the group IDs. Unable to allocate memory to store the hardwareCounter Unable to begin the profile pass due to an Out Of Memory error. Unable to create a known device dependent counter. Unable to generate internal counters. Unable to get Adapter from IDXGIDevice1. Unable to get IDXGIDevice1 interface from ID3D11Device. Unable to get current hardware generation. Unable to get hardware generation, but we need it to create the correct data request. Unable to initialize because 'atidxx64.dll' is not available. Unable to initialize because extension creation is not available. Unable to initialize because the driver does not support the PerfProfile extension. Unable to locate the driver to enable performance counters.