DrvCopyContext DrvCreateContext DrvCreateLayerContext DrvDeleteContext DrvDescribeLayerPlane DrvDescribePixelFormat DrvGetLayerPaletteEntries DrvGetProcAddress DrvPresentBuffers DrvRealizeLayerPalette DrvReleaseContext DrvSetCallbackProcs DrvSetContext DrvSetLayerPaletteEntries DrvSetPixelFormat DrvShareLists DrvSwapBuffers DrvSwapLayerBuffers DrvValidateVersion RegisterProcTableCallback
#define: macro must start with identifier #define: syntax error in macro's parameter list *** unknown regexp error code *** // -------------- Start of GLSL shader source code ------- // @@@@ Start of hex-encoded source BBOX OPT config: procName = %s, bboxOptEnable = %d, bboxOptMinVertexCount = %d, bboxOptSplitSize = %d Divide by zero error during constant folding ERROR %d:%d %s at Enable -time-passes memory tracking (this may be slow) Enable missed optimization remarks from passes whose name match the given regular expression Enable of GL_LIGHTING capability is deprecated. Enable optimization analysis remarks from passes whose name match the given regular expression Enable optimization remarks from passes whose name match the given regular expression Error during Error during BE shader generation Error expanding macros in directive #line Error has been generated. Error in macro Error in shader strings. Expected ', ' as start of index list Fatal error - scanner input buffer overflow GL error GL_INVALID_ENUM GL error GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION GL error GL_INVALID_OPERATION GL error GL_INVALID_OPERATION: mismatched type setting uniform %s in program %d, %s using shaders%s GL error GL_INVALID_VALUE GL error GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY GL error GL_STACK_OVERFLOW GL error GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY - Client memory allocation error when generating compressed mips. GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY - Client memory allocation error when generating uncompressed texture INTERNAL ERROR : at processing unnamed block field : INTERNAL ERROR : memory allocation creating string : INTERNAL ERROR : memory allocation creating symbol : INTERNAL ERROR inserting new symbol Internal error while parsing shaders It is an error to declare gl_FrontFacing as invariant. The invariance of gl_FrontFacing is the same as the invariance of gl_Position. Scanner start failed in PaParseStrings Unable to bind buffer atbuffers[%i]. Unable to bind buffer atbuffers[%i]. Buffer name (%u) is invalid. Unable to bind buffer atbuffers[%i]. offsets[%i] is less than zero. Unable to bind buffer atbuffers[%i]. sizes[%i] is less than or equal to zero. Unable to bind buffers. The target is not an index target. Unable to bind buffers. first (%u) + count (%i) is greater than thenumber of target-specific indexed binding points (%i). Unable to bind buffers. first (%u) + count (%i) is greater than thenumber of target-specific indexed binding points (%u). Unable to create code generator in BE compile. Unable to create vrm in BE compile. Wide lines have been deprecated. glLineWidth set to %f. glLineWidth with width greater than 1.0 will generate GL_INVALID_VALUE error in future versions