
Apple Inc.

Bonjour Service

64 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
468 Kb
Download size
229.9 Kb

%##s: unknown tsig error %d

%3d: Could not write data to client because of error - aborting connection

%3d: DNSServiceRegisterRecord(%u %s) ERROR (%d)

%3d: Error socket %d closed  %08X %08X (%d)

%3d: Error socket %d created %08X %08X

*** ERROR *** rrcache_active %lu != m->

rrcache_active %lu

AnswerAllLocalQuestionsWithLocalAuthRecord ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

AnswerInterfaceAnyQuestionsWithLocalAuthRecord: ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

AnswerNewLocalOnlyQuestion ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

AnswerNewLocalOnlyQuestion ERROR m->

CurrentRecord already set %s

AnswerNewQuestion ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

AnswerNewQuestion ERROR m->

CurrentRecord already set %s

AnswerQuestionsForDNSServerChanges: ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

Attempt to start query with invalid qname %##s (%s)

BuildUpdateMessage: Error formatting message for %s

CacheRecordAdd ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

CacheRecordDeferredAdd ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

CacheRecordRmv ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

CacheRecordRmvEventsForQuestion: ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

CheckNATMapping: Failed to obtain NAT port mapping %p from router %#a external address %.4a internal port %5d interval %d error %d

CheckSuppressUnusableQuestions: Start question %p %##s (%s)

ClearIdenticalProxyRecords ERROR m->

CurrentRecord already set %s

ClearProxyRecords ERROR m->

CurrentRecord already set %s

Connection_termination ERROR (*req)->

primary == *req for %p %d

Connection_termination ERROR How can subordinate req %p %d have replies queued?

DiscardDeregistrations ERROR m->

CurrentRecord already set %s

ERROR %d %sing

ERROR: Deregistration of record %##s type %d failed with error %d

Error getting external address %d

Error reading Resource Record from client

Error waiting for acknowledgement of machine sleep: %d

Error: FreeExtraRR invoked with unexpected error %d

Error: GetStaticHostname - StartQuery returned error %d

Error: HostnameCallback invoked with error code for record not in regState_Unregistered!

HndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record %##s type %d failed with error %d

HostnameCallback: Error %d for registration of %##s IP %.16a

HostnameCallback: Error %d for registration of %##s IP %.4a

InitializeLastAPTime ERROR m->

SuppressProbes %d m->

NextScheduledProbe %d m->

NextScheduledQuery %d m->

SuppressSending %d %d

LNT MakeTCPConnection: unable to create TCP socket

Legacy NAT Traversal - unmap request failed with error %d

LocalRecordRmvEventsForQuestion: ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

MDNSCoreReceiveResponse ERROR m->

CurrentRecord already set %s

MDNSCoreReceiveUpdateR ERROR m->

CurrentRecord already set %s

MDNSCoreRestartQueries: ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

MDNS_DeregisterInterface: ERROR intf->

InterfaceActive already set for %s (%#a)

MDNS_Execute: ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

MDNS_Execute: ERROR m->

CurrentRecord already set: %s

MDNS_HostNameCallback: Unknown error %d for registration of record %s

MDNS_StartExit: ERROR m->

CurrentRecord already set %s

MDNS_StopQuery ERROR LLQNAT.clientContext NULL

MDNS_StopQuery_internal: Just deleted the current restart question: %##s (%s)

MakeTCPConn: unable to create TCP socket

NatTraversalHandlePortMapReply: %p Response %s Port %5d External Port %5d lease %d error %d

NoCacheAnswer ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

PowerSuspendNotification: error while setting acknowledgement: %d

PrivateQueryGotZoneData: ERROR!! %##s (%s) invoked with error code %d %p %#a:%d

ProcessQuery ERROR m->

CurrentRecord already set %s

RecordRegistrationGotZoneData: error %d

RecvRefreshReply: received error %d from server

Register_service_instance %#s.%##s%##s error %d

Regrecord_callback: error %d received after parent termination

SendGroupRRMessage: Sent a group UDP update ID: %d start %p, end %p, limit %p

SendGroupRRMessage: Sent a group update ID: %d start %p, end %p, limit %p

SendGroupUpdates: ERROR no space for zone information, disabling merge

SendQueries ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

SendQueries ERROR m->

CurrentRecord already set %s

SendRecordDeregistration: Error formatting message for %s

SendRecordRegistration: Error formatting message for %s, disabling further updates

SendResponses ERROR m->

CurrentRecord already set %s

Service received an error in WaitForSingleObject() : %d, %d

SetSCPrefsBrowseDomain: mDNS_Register returned error %d

TcpConnectionCallback: error writing

TimeoutQuestions ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

UDNS_ReceiveMsg ERROR m->

CurrentRecord already set %s

UDNS_Tasks ERROR m->

CurrentQuestion already set: %##s (%s)

Udsserver_automatic_browse_domain_changed ERROR %##s not found

Unable to refresh LLQ %##s (%s) - will retry in %d seconds

Unable to stop SMBThread

UpdateAllSRVRecords ERROR m->

CurrentRecord already set %s

Update_record: Error %d for %s

Last update: 21/01/2025