VMBusHID: AllocateIoPackage: Unable to allocate an IO_PACKAGE VMBusHID: DispatchPnP: Unable to set completion routine: %x VMBusHID: GetVMBusMessage: Unable to acquire remove lock: %x VMBusHID: GetVMBusMessage: Unable to set completion routine: %x VMBusHID: InitializeIoPackage: Unable to allocate a MDL. VMBusHID: InitializeIoPackage: Unable to allocate an IRP. VMBusHID: InputReportCacheSave: Unable to allocate report cache space. VMBusHID: IrpQueueInitialize: Error while initializing CSQ: %x VMBusHID: IrpQueueInsert: Unable to allocate context. VMBusHID: OnInitialDeviceInfo: Unable to allocate a HID_DESCRIPTOR VMBusHID: OnInitialDeviceInfo: Unable to allocate a report descriptor VMBusHID: OnReceiveVMBusMessage: Unable to retrieve payload. VMBusHID: OnSentVMBusMessage: Unable to retrieve payload. VMBusHID: PnP Stop/Start detected. VMBusHID: SendVMBusMessage: Unable to acquire remove lock: %x VMBusHID: SendVMBusMessage: Unable to set completion routine: %x